Has anyone used the home inspection app (Tap Inspect) for the iPhone and iPad? I saw this and from just a quick glance it looks like you can do an inspection from either the iPhone or the iPad. It’s kind of pricey at $5.00 per inspection or unlimited inspections for $60 per month. Has anyone actually used it and if so what are your thoughts?
Let us know how you do.haha.
You can create your own using free apps if you really want to.
Phone is to limited at this point.
I use HIP as well, but I also have an iPhone and was just wondering if anyone has used this app. I just know how easy it would be to do an inspection with just my phone. It would be great if I could carry just the one piece of equipment that I have with me at all times instead of trying to hold a laptop, digital camera and other tools. If anyone has used this, please post.
Go sign up with catch.com and install the AK note pad if you wish to see how it would work out.(freeware)
Yes you could do reports but you would provide an inferior product.
Would end up not much better than a checklist report.
Can it be done (sure).Just hang tight as the next wave hits us in the next few years before spending time figuring it out.
The major players such as HG and HIP will do this better than we could.
Jeff K seems to be trying to work with this also and they all know more than we do.
Read all the threads going on right now.
I use it Lee. In fact I helped develop it
Since you have an iPhone, go ahead and download it. The app is free and you get 5 free reports to try it out.
Do you use your iPhone to take your inspection pics? The newer phones have great resolution and it’s just as easy to copy pics to your pc as any camera.
From experience I would tell you to go ahead and use HIP on your jobs and then use Tap Inspect to do a report on the same house to see how it works for you. I think you’ll be amazed at how easy it is to create comment and insert photos on your phone.
There is nothing like a real world home to see how inspection software works for you and how you report.
Thank you Michael for your response. I currently do not use my iPhone to take my inspection pictures. I have the iPhone 4 and the picture quality is incredible. And that is why I wanted to get some information about this app. I think it would be great to only have one device to deal with during an inspection. I will download the app this evening and play around with it. If I like it, I might have to hit you up with some questions. Again, thanks for the info.
Impressed…the comments area is a little confusing but a very good first attempt at a nice interface.
Hi Mike
I see this is your first post.
Do you have a website link so we can view a sample report ?
Nice program, my inspectors are using it for their inspections.
Is this a real sample report or do you have some others? http://www.tapinspect.com/pickup/bef0038f4808ab3aea99ddeca7defb4114a24e58
Did you leave NACHI Linus or are you broke?
Thanks I found it right after posting.
I do not see doing a whole real report that way but it looks good for notes.
Awfully expensive.
Let us know if any of you guys end up using it.
You ran me out of business Bob.
I find it intersting and think I will use it for my other business. Not a bad lil application.
In that example the inspection fee is $125 so how would you pay for the app?
This looks interesting. I have the iPhone 3 model.
Worried about the format/quality of the report software though. I use HG. Maybe they’ll have something soon. We all know that this is where the technology is heading… few years maybe?
Exactly…I think this also disproves Dominic’s opinion that the iPhone/iPad is not fast enough or does not have enough power to be used to do an inspection and create a nice looking report with photos and everything. It has a lot of features missing that are needed but it is a good start and proves how this type of device CAN be used in the field for inspections instead of a full-blown Windows device. This IS the future for vertical markets that need to do data gathering.
iOS4 solves several of the problems of the previous iPhone which were the big problems (such as multi tasking). This program has a ways to go, but is on the right track. I don’t think many guys will jump to use such a small report format, but that’s up to them. The report file size also needs some work. I’m sure what you’re working on will be much better.
The only reason that this will really become more popular will be that guys are using the 7" to 10" computers. You notice people ask about the iPad more than an iPhone (as they like the larger screen).
Based on the feedback I’ve gotten, we’ll focus on Android first. I’m interested to see the specs for Android 3.0 which will be released shortly on their tablets.
Defiantly a much bigger market for Android users Dom.