Hello Canadian home inspectors, I got this 13.5’ (16’ reach) telescopic ladder today at Costco for $199.99. I would appreciate reviews from past users and seasoned inspectors, your views are important in shortening my learning curve. That’s why I love this forum.
Thank you very much to all who replied! Have a good day folks!
I have the Xtend brand of collapsible ladder. Works great if you always have something to lean it against. I hardly ever use this ladder. I prefer and carry my Little Giant a-frame/extension ladder in the back of my Avalanche, which fits my style of inspection and properties that I typically inspect. As has already been said, use what works best for you.
Be careful!! I had one for 10 years then the rubber feet cracks. Bought a couple, said non-slip feet, not true. Hard plastic slides on any hard surface. I ended up paying about $450.00 Canadian with neoprene pivoting feet. Love it and now feel safe.
As a professional, you’re going to use that ladder multiple times every day. Don’t by consumer grade stuff that’s meant to be used once or twice a year.
I didn’t feel safe on the one I bought as it would slide on the gutters if it wasn’t just right. I had difficulty collapsing it, too. I love my alluminum extension ladder and secure it with a simple clamp to the gutter for added stability when I climb on and off of it from the roof.
I couldn’t find a Costco review, but Home Depot carries it, and has a review section.
Even though it has decent reviews, I do not see it as a professional tool suited for daily transport and abuse. Not, at least, for my precious body.