Thank you Alberta, Canadian InterNACHI members!

I have heard they are broke owe a lot of money and they need NACHI so bad they could be going to offer a NACHI members the same price as they are charging CAHPI to join the NCP.
This might have worked a year ago but I think it is slowly sinking .
To many secrets too little information.

I see no reason to expect many if any more NACHI members join.

As usual, you heard wrong. (or rather made it up)

Both CAHPI and the National Certification Program are doing very well, thank-you. In fact, with well over 500 inspectors involved, (many NACHI members) we are the largest group of properly certified home inspectors in Canada.

NACHI members are welcome to join, but frankly, we are happy with the numbers so don’t break an arm filling out the application if you don’t want to. There will certainly be no need for the NCA to make concessions to attract people. We also don’t need to waste our time trying to provide answers to abusive questions.

All the answers non-participants need or deserve are on the NCA website.

It’s fair to everyone and will stay the same.

Bill Mullen

I was at the OAHI south west meeting yesterday and those in attendance were informed that OAHI has not signed an equivalency agreement with the NCA, and if not signed in the very near future OAHI members will have to pay the same price as non CAPHI members.

That’s right, Rob. That’s proof of how fair the program is. The Equivalency Agreement allows members of those groups affected to easier access because their association would have provided some required information. If OAHI chooses not to participate, their members who apply will get no better rates, etc. than NACHI people.

However, due to the strong membership vote in favour of them signing, (33 to 1) I would be surprised if it doesn’t happen soon.

Bill Mullen

Who is Val?

Raymond: Remember that that this is a **private **organization. Like Las Vegas, everything that goes on in Vegas, stays in Vegas!!!:shock: :shock: :roll: :roll: :wink: :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes… but… inquiring minds want to know. :slight_smile: :wink:

Oh oh. I thought OAHI had contractual obligations vis-a-vis the National. The way around this roadblock is for the National to keep the fee in place as if there was an equivalency agreement.

They have a deadline and they will be held to it. The NCA will not bend the rules, because they adhere to a clear, strong Code of Ethics. As an example of democracy in action, the members at the Southwestern Ontario Meeting yesterday passed this motion:

Moved by: Bill Mullen, RHI
Seconded by: Bryan Freeman, RHI

We, the members of the Southwestern Ontario Meeting Group of OAHI / CAHPI Ontario wish to re-affirm our strong support for the National Certification Program. We encourage the Board of Directors to follow the wishes of the membership as it has been confirmed on several occasions that OAHI / CAHPI Ontario support the National Certification Program and participate fully in its goals and functions.

We urge the OAHI / CAHPI Ontario Board of Directors to respect and fulfill its obligations to that initiative as it has promised to do several times in the past.

We further urge the Board of Directors to immediately sign and respect the Equivalency Agreement between our provincial association and the National Certification Authority. We understand that if this agreement is not in place, access into the program for our members will be much more onerous and the costs will be substantially higher.

Votes in favour: 33
Votes against: 1
Abstention: 1

Motion carried.

I find it strange how you have from the get go given us all the information and it is all hear say No meat. So many and still no one is listed .
gee this is getting to sound like whistler all over.



Is OAHI with holding any funds from CAHPI? Given the grave concerns about the financial situation can you be sure CAHPI has rec’d its fair share of OAHI funds?

I have no way to know. I am no longer on the CAHPI Board in any capacity. (After nine years) My only involvement is on the National Certification Authority which receives no funding whatsoever from CAHPI or OAHI.

Bill Mullen

Whistler was great and it produced a foundation for the PDI program that is once again ongoing.

As far as the list, you will soon see the full list of about 500 National Certificate Holders displayed nationally (not only by CAHPI and the NCA) and it’s comforting to see that your name will be missing.

Bill Mullen

Thanks Bill ,can we have the following post from 11 months ago first
Feb 22 ,2007…

All I can say is that it is big, and I consider it to be good (actually great) because it suits my goals and hopes for this industry in Canada.

I can’t say anything more because there are some on this forum who will always distort anything that I say. Because of their spiteful agendas everyone will just have to wait and watch.

Roy, Ray and Lucky George will no doubt claim to have some inside information about it, but believe me, they have no idea what this is about. Everyone involved has been sworn to secrecy because of the damage that could be done if this gets into the wrong hands prematurely (no names of course).

The only hint I’ll give is that it was my idea and it’s something I’ve personally been working very hard on for a couple of months behind the scenes and it includes the federal government and three associations.

Bill Mullen

[size=3]Remember Whistler
Bill has a big anouncement comming soon

Thanks for bringing that up, Roy.

I almost forgot how great that event was. It likely got us where we are today.

Bill Mullen

Exactly same old Bill evade and still no information.
He still gives zero info.
Thanks Bill

I give information to people who appreciate it, not those who distort it and misuse it.

You have made it clear you have no intention of ever applying for National Certification so any information about it would be wasted on you.

Bill Mullen

"If OAHI chooses not to participate, their members who apply will get no better rates, etc. than NACHI people."

lt sounds like blackmail to me. “Pay up or all the membership money that you have previously invested, all the time and all the energy will go for naught and the only benefit you might have had (lower fees) will disappear too!” :shock: :roll:


Sorry Bill when it was posted to apply for the NCP ,I was the first one to apply and was not excepted and had my funds returned.
Indecently having this happen worked out well as I am still convinced the NCP is going to be useless.


There is a whole lot more to the issue than that. There are many more benefits to belonging to an organization with an ‘Equivalency Agreement’ than just the better fees.

It’s far from blackmail either. They are merely being asked to honour their written and verbal committments. OAHI is one of the organizations that made committments right from the start and they (the BOD not the members) are in danger of reneging on many agreements.

But it’s nice to be able to debate with you again :slight_smile:

Bill Mullen