BREAKING — Scott Adams Admits Anti-Vaxxers Were Right — COVID Vaccines Are Trouble
“The anti-vaxx people are clearly the winners, and it will stay that way, they have an advantage because they feel better, and they don’t have to worry about what will happen 5 years from now.”
I for one am very interested in what is revealed about our past decisions. It really is not pro or anti vaccine for me, it is what have we learned? And not just research on the vaccine, but the motivation of those in charge of public health. Why did the media behave the way they did? Why was there so little transparency? Why did we run away from China? Why did they lie to us? etc. etc.
The problem is that much of what we have since proved was suspected early on in the “scamdemic”
People were manipulated, mandated, coerced, and threatened into into believing lies and bad data.
The dead horse meme boys are the ones who would have us forget about what just happened to America over the past 3 years, regardless of how many lives the Plandemic took, and regardless of how many more life spans are still being shortened every day by the mRNA poison vaccines.
Is that satire? Hard to tell these days with so much absurdity
We tried to warn you. You mocked us with tin foil hat pictures of Alex Jones and pictures of us doing ‘our own research’ on the toilet and when that didnt get us to shut up you got us de-platformed, sacked, police visits to our home and computer equipment confiscated and targeted as dangerous spreaders of misinformation and classified domestic terrorists. AND IT WAS YOU WHO WAS SILENT as a 2-tier society enveloped and you gloated that YOU could go to Greece. As Nigel Farage said to the EU parliament:
“You all laughed at me didn’t you; well you’re not laughing now”.
Google IQfy and here are some quotes:
"IQfy is a site designed to manufacture outrage amongst conservatives, it’s essentially satire."
"IQfy publishes fake woke articles by nonexistent person Jamey Braunstein."
Who’s laughing now?
We all are…as we should be
In other words… “Vaccines are for diseases you don’t have, hospitals are for the ones you do, and graves are for those people who refuse the first option.” No?
“Republicans have created two select subcommittees to stop the weaponization of the federal government and finally get answers to the COVID origins and the federal government’s gain of function research that contributed to the pandemic…” Fucking morons, prove me wrong.
Pfizer purposely mutating the COVID virus.
“Despite being a novice artist, Hunter Biden received exorbitant amounts of money selling his artwork, the buyers’ identities remain unknown, and you appear to be the sole record keeper of these lucrative transactions,” Comer, a Kentucky Republican, said in a letter to Bergès.