I got the jab. And the booster. I swear I feel a few years older than when all this pandemic stuff began. I even started growing some grey hairs. Coincidence?
One thing I would do if I had gotten jabbed: I would be drinking a little tonic water (with quinine) every day. It is said to oxygenate the blood, which breaks up blood clots. My cousin was an airline stewardess; she says they always told them to drink some tonic water whenever they got leg cramps from the high altitude
Otherwise, you could go to your doctor and he might convince you to get on some of Big Pharma’s rat poison blood thinners. (See how that works?) More poison for you; gravy train for them.
My wife is a doctor. I follow her advice. We are pretty healthy for middle aged folks.
I confess, my post was a bit sarcastic. We are all “a few years older” than when the pandemic began. I was poking a little fun at the situation we all find ourselves in.
I feel fine. I hope you do as well.
(But these damned grey hairs are really making me look wiser)
It sounds like you might have found yourself a good doctor. Most of them seem to only want to “go with the flow”, and prescribe Big Pharma’s toxic blood thinners, and happy pills that are causing most of the mass shootings.
Don’t let your political biases infect your horse sense…
Agreed. Follow the money!
so sad.
That was the most asinine thing about the vaccine, giving it to perfectly healthy children who were absolutely the least at risk of anyone. More kids and teens have died from the shot than from covid
Has it occured to you that the main stream media MAY just be controlled by politics, and big pharma? (who also controls politicians)
I’m not talking about just children, I am talking about anyone under 21. There are countless stories of healthy, fit, sporty teens that have just died suddenly while playing on the field. Countless others that have died from stroke, heart failure, and have suffered from myocarditis.
Here is something to consider if you dont believe the media and big tech is controlled:
I just searched google for “kids dying from vaccine”. I searched page after page after page until I finally gave up, because every single link was to the contrary. What are they trying to hide? It is no secret that tens of thousands+ have undoubtedly died from the vaccine. SO why is it so hard to find even one example on big tech?
Doesnt that make you even the least skeptical of what they are feeding you? So much for freedom of the press. If you want to know the truth, dont listen to the propaganda machine. Even if you agree with them, you still have to consider why they only want you to hear one side, right?
It is so strange…just look at this paragraph. They call them “break-thru” infections to this day. It was never a vaccine in any form. It may have reduced hospitalization or death for the vulnerable, but that was it. But they refuse to look at what the “vaccine” may have caused. They still have not done the research. The only research that is being funded now is how big pharm can make more money treating vaccine/infection side effects.
One study published in Nature in May 2022 looked at more than 30,000 vaccinated patients. It found that patients who had experienced COVID-19 breakthrough infections prior to Omicron had a higher risk of death and debilitating Long COVID symptoms involving multiple organs (lungs, heart, kidney, brain and others) when compared to controls without evidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection. This remained true when compared to seasonal flu, dispelling claims in the mainstream media that COVID-19 is no more harmful than the flu.
Wow, my point exactly. (different from your point however) She admits that there are more sudden deaths now, then there were before covid, but not once does it suggest that maybe it could be caused by the vaccine, or the lack of our own “natural immune system” being disrupted, or even destroyed by the vaccine. Natural immunity was always the longest, and best defense, but they never pushed that, even though they admitted it openly.
I have been seeing so many warnings lately as well about the possibilities of sudden heart failure from stupid, everyday items that were never attributed to that before. Things like eggs, bananas, sport drinks, even sunlight have come under scrutiny for “possible rise in heart disease”! They are just paving the way to blame all these issues on something else… People just need to wake up.
I’m not going to argue with you, you’ve been basing your belief system on not being able to prove a negative. Your only hope would come from professionals. This may help someone though: https://misinforeview.hks.harvard.edu/article/why-do-people-believe-covid-19-conspiracy-theories/
I wont argue further either, you can have the last word, or post some other “approved research study”.
However, you are using the same logic as I am. You are basing your entire viewpoint on the fact that the “experts” are always right, and they cant be questioned. For example, from the link: 31% agree that the virus was purposefully created and spread. This was proven over and over again, and even admitted by Fauci that the virus was created, and has gone extensive research for “gain of function” Do you even know what that term means? Yet, here they are, STILL trying to point the narrative away.
Once again, we have the big tech controlling the narrative, trying to put to sleep the FACT that this virus was created, not spread by some stupid bats that were digested from some street cook.
Adverse effects and deaths from the vaccine are not a “conspiracy theory”. And to believe so is merely placing your head in the sand, listening to the main stream media, and falling in line with the other sheep.
I have firsthand knowledge of friends and family that have had adverse reactions, and countless stories of others that have died for no apparent reason. How many sports players, actors, teenagers have died “suddenly” with no further explanation? Why are they suddenly warning us of heart problems from products that have been around for decades, with no previous warnings, all at the same time?
So again, I ask you, dont you even feel slightly skeptical about why page after page after page on google only points to “conspiracy theories”, “science deniers”, “scaremongers”, when there are apparently thousands of people that have firsthand experience of the negative implications of the V? But dont take my word for it. If you even tried to do one ounce of your own study, you would find thousands of doctors and medical professionals who have been speaking out against it all, and once again, are being silenced by big pharma, and big tech
During the Dark Ages, people throughout Europe were told that the alignment of the planets was causing the Black Death because it was bringing “bad air” So they were advised to stay indoors with the windows locked shut and no sunllght. Today we know that fresh air and sunlight are among the best medicine.
But, future generations may look back and realize that we were still living in the Dark Ages under the same deceitful Masters.
More evidence as if it weren’t obvious to most people already.
Covid-19 deaths displace influenza and pneumonia, becoming the top cause of death caused by any infectious or respiratory disease. It caused “substantially” more deaths than any vaccine-preventable disease historically, the researchers wrote.
“If we looked at all those other leading causes of death – whether you’re talking about motor vehicle accidents or childhood cancer – and we said, ‘Gosh, if we had some simple, safe thing we could do to get rid of one of those, wouldn’t we just jump at it?” And we have that with Covid with vaccines,” said O’Leary, who is also a professor of pediatric infectious disease at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and Children’s Hospital Colorado.
Oh, remember days gone by?
This type of talk would have resulted in shadow banning or de-monetized content on social media.
This reveals who are the gate keepers of free speech.