Not something I could take a picture of, but I inspected a home that had a upstairs loft with a bathroom. The main disconnect was off when I got there, but had permission to flip it for the inspection. The home was vacant at the time. The loft lights were controlled by switches on the lower level steps going up to it, and at the top steps in the loft area. Lights, ceiling fans, etc.
Flipped the main and went about the inspection. Got to the loft and the switches didn’t seen to work in sequence from upper to lower. The loft area wouldn’t turn off, lights on and the ceiling fan running. Made note of it and along with a long list, flipped the main to off before leaving and rechecked the house before leaving. The ceiling fan was still running and the light was on. I flipped every switch in the house twice along with the panel. Nothing turned it off even after the main breaker flip.
This house was shit and never made it to report from me because the buyers backed out because of “weird” feelings about it no report was ever made.
What strikes me as creepy is someone taking a picture of child’s discarded doll. Must be a generational thing!
Lol…your take on it kinda creeps me out. I guess youre not a stephen king type of story guy…but I get it you’re an old guy.
The doll itself isn’t so creepy. But it is always a bit creepy trying to figure out how these things get into the unfinished attic.
It reminded me of the Progressive commercial ,Geico (Geicoween) - Creepy Attic Commercial - YouTube
Geico not progressive
If I had a choice I’d rather see an old doll than a bunch of snake skins, which has happened to me a few times, I’ve found them in crawlspaces, attics, and basements.
Talk about keeping your senses on full alert.
Luckily (knock on wood) I’ve never had the pleasure of seeing any live snakes.
I gotta agree, I lived in Northeast PA it was filthy with rattlesnakes. We’re in Maine now…no pit vipers !!!
Come on down to the South where we have Copperheads. They don’t have those rattling things on the end of their tails to warn you of their presence…
Plenty of them in PA as well…I love Maine ! lol
I’m with you Robert. Some of the things of our childhood have become distorted from what they once were.
For example Clowns… when I was growing up, Clowns were nothing more than a symbol of fun, joy and amusement. Not at all scary… When my daughter was born, my boss’s wife, as a gift sewed a quilted, happy clown complete with balloons that hung above her crib. My daughter whom will be turning 40 later this year, informed me several years ago that it was somewhat creepy. I think it has to do the Movie “It”, which was a hit when she was growing up and made clowns into something evil. I don’t think it was creepy to her till later after that movie came out and she thought back on it.
Dolls I think also became this way from portrayals in movies and TV programs where they came alive (ChuckY) and became sybils of Evil. (I do remember “Talking Tina” from The Twilight Zone…(Which by the way… do not quote on FB what “Tina” said to Telly Savalas as it goes against their “Warped” Community standards…and you will be branded as a “Bad Monkey”).
12 years ago I was in a garage & saw this doll that reminded of the beloved Talking Tina.
I moved the saw on the floor a little & took this pic.