The Master Inspector Certificication Board to revive the dead NCP.

Brian you can wait and rot in He77 as far as I am concerned , You to me are just as useless to our Canadian Industry as Bill Mullen and Marcel Graton . You post incorrect information and Care less about our Canadian Home Inspectors . You Three in particular continue to try and destroy NACHI . Well most of us see your true colours and methods .

We knew last year that they were going to wreck it. That’s why we registered,, and last April.

It is in good, competent hands now. We’re removing the rubble and rebuilding it the way it should be.


So you took a little 3 day junket up to the Great White North where hardly a soul outside INACHI knows you…and you walked away with the NCP.

SAD!! SAD!! SAD!! I used to think you were simply prone to the use of hyperbole but now I know much differently…so someone was kind enough to talk to you (a Canadian trait) and now you own/run the program…it’s much worse than I thought…but don’t despair, there are thousands here on the boards to help you!!

Incorrect to someone who cannot see the truth…and then has to backpeddle on his claims…turn the bike around and go forward!

Thank you for the support. We will be needing the help of many of the nearly 1,000 InterNACHI members in Canada.


Can you guarantee your supporters that your copycat program will be recognized within Canada’s provinces if licensing became law contrary to iNACHIs / CMIs* fiasco of late in BC?

All the best,

What a goofy question you can not guarantee your program will be recognized .
You do not even have an idea how many Hommies are in Canada.
You follow your leader around and have no ideas on proper methods .
The rules of your association are not followed .
How about cleaning your own home first before worrying about others.


You are wrong!

I have been a supporting member of iNACHI for many years and my website certainly can back me up…

But, I simply won’t lay silent to innuendos and misinformation.

And I suspect neither will Bill M, especially when Nick lying like a pig is downgrading the NCP.

As for Brian, he can take care of his own!


Making something difficult (or nearly impossible) and expensive for no reason other than to keep your competitors out… is not the same as raising the bar.

Like CMI, NCP will now be more meaningful, yet more attainable. The two are not inversely related.


That is a legitimate question which deserve a proper answer; which by the way, was not directed at you.


But can you guarantee your supporters that your copycat program will be recognized within Canada’s provinces if licensing became law contrary to iNACHIs / CMIs* fiasco of late in BC?


Neither CMI nor InterNACHI participated in BC licensing as we are uninterested in operating schools and handling consumer complaints. Why do you call zero participation a “fiasco” ? I don’t understand what you mean. We sought no involvement. And our CMIs in BC are doing better than ever these days (as once licensing is adopted, the market becomes an all-out marketing race). Besides, our sister association CanNACHI is approved for the newbies who only seek a mere license in BC. We’ll stick to providing the other 98.5% of what an inspector needs to succeed.

"iNACHIs / CMIs fiasco of late in BC"*

Do you really want to talk fiasco Marcel? Let’s talk about ten years of wrangling, infighting, attacking, millions of dollars, threats, predictions, unproven claims, sullying the whole industry based on lies etc etc etc.

And after all that, less than 10% of Canadian Inspectors bought in to the failed and disgraced National.

THAT is a fiasco.

Exactly. I know the old NCP was a fiasco, you know it, many inspectors found out the hard way, CHMC knows it, CAPHI admitted it, and the provincial governments now run from it. It’s why I refused to participate in it, kept a respectable distance away from it, and instead predicted and prepared for its demise. It was such a disgraceful fiasco that we now need a new word for “fiasco.”

All things happen for a reason and the failure of the NCP needed to happen. Don’t worry… we’re now rescuing it. It will be beautiful.

Marcel, can you sit on the Board for me? We could use the help. We’re not interested in rubbing anything into anyone’s face… instead… let’s build something that helps change the world for the better. Are you in?

Damn…this is like a soap opera…Whats Marcel gonna say? OMG, I can’t wait any longer!

So George, only 10% of Canadian Inspectors are competent.

Glad you’re seeing the benefit of being a NCH!


Marcel, we need to overcompensate for NCP’s corrupt past. We’re only going to do that by putting integrity first. That’s why we need you.

Sorry Nick,

But you chose the wrong man according to your followers…

If you’re catching flak… it just means that you’re over the target.