The Master Inspector Certificication Board to revive the dead NCP.

Good point James. But I am sure Marcel means well.


Also as Ray said, serving two masters would be a conflict and I’m Canadian first.


Marcel’s loyalty lies within the original concept or spirit of NCP. As it should.

So it is neither time nor energy that he lacks…just the interest. Why not say so? Certainly it was not an effort to spare anyone’s feelings or a gesture of good will.:wink:

Nick will loosen him up…


I commend you for this and appreciate what you say.
It is so unfortunate that all PHPIC directors present and past do not follow your example .
Your helping NICK would be great as you could be a great help to all Canadian Home Inspectors and our industry.
This is a big decision that only you can make .
I expect if in the future you change your mind there could be a place for your assistance .
All the best … Roy

Can someone provide me with a clear explanation as to why PHPIC that is a Canadian handful would only promote ASHI and therefore discriminates against NACHI.
I am a member of NACHI and it seems to me that PHPIC is discriminating against NACHI.
Isn’t this unfair competition?

Beauchemin Marc-Andre of Brossard Quebec,Canada. A mari Usque Ad Mare

What is PHPIC?

Its a home inspection association which is not at arms length from the NHICC (National Home Inspectors Certification Council)

PHPIC has been set up to stream members to NHICC.

You can be a member of PHPIC and as a member you must go through the requirements to become a National Certificate Holder.

Caveat: One can not simply join Phpic and remain a member - you must undertake to become Certified by NHICC or your membership is null and void.

And even stranger one can become Nat. Cert. holder, and not belong to any associations, which begs the question; if a non affiliated NC holder should be taken to task for ethics or SOP violation where does the consumer go?

They can’t go to any association, and they can’t complain to NHICC as it claims its not an association!

Whoa!..Not so quick there…Where’s my $1US?

  • "Someone owes me $1US. I would like that in the form of an 1850 or so 1 dollar gold coin…untraceable!


PS…If you can’t send it, you could pay my expenses to go pick it up…There’s 1.5’ of new snow here from yesterday and they just forcast the same for Sunday!!!*!!"

Thanks, Marcel! I’ll split it with you!!

Its the home of NCHs, new Gold Standard for inspectors in Canada.

By the way, BC recognizes the NCH as a licensing credential…;-):smiley:

Was the gold standard.

Nick has just taken your standard away from what I am reading.

As I’ve shown here many times in the last few days, and you especially should know…don’t believe all you read!!! Is the NCP “takeover” claim just a bit more hyperbole & doctoring?

12/6/06, 8:53 PM

Looks like I landed us a couple hundred thousand forclosures to inspect.
I just did a deal with REALTYTRACK to have NACHI members inspect all the forclosures in N. America. We are building a system to handle them all now.

5/16/10, 1:04 AM

Re: Looks like I landed us a couple hundred thousand forclosures to inspect.
I wish someone would have closed this thread before I read 36 pages to find out the whole thing was a flop :sad:

5/16/10, 10:37 AM

Re: Looks like I landed us a couple hundred thousand forclosures to inspect.
Much like the 18 month old 250 Free Inspection Leads thread that is still going. To my knowledge, that never returned much, if anything.

5/16/10, 2:03 PM

Re: Looks like I landed us a couple hundred thousand forclosures to inspect.
Kind of like looking at a ‘free beer tomorrow’ sign everyday. :neutral:

6/14/10, 3:18 AM

Re: Looks like I landed us a couple hundred thousand forclosures to inspect.
u got to be joking

"Its the home of NCHs, new Gold Standard for inspectors in Canada."

With 7.8% of Canadian Inspectors having joined those lofty ranks it is hardly the ‘gold standard’ anywhere except possibly in the minds of those who have been duped into paying for it ( twice ).

"By the way, BC recognizes the NCH as a licensing credential"

The “NCH” has been recognized as ONE of the licensing credential’s. Despite all the effort and bombast it was reduced to the status of an “also ran”. The reality is that even if licensing comes to every province, unlikely though that may be, the regulation of provincial industry is the responsibility of the individual provincial government. The ‘National’ is that, only within the confines of the fevered imaginations of the afore mentioned 7.8%.

There is a better and already recognized way and it is coming.


NACHI always seems to Carry on and grow .
Over the years there always seems to be one expert who knows what is wrong with NACHI and tries to tell others NON stop how NACHI needs improving .
Then they get to see how stupid they are and move on .

I think that has been stated for over a year now. How many ACHI members presently?

WOW! [size=3]speak of the devil and who should arrive rite on time .[/size]

NACHI always seems to Carry on and grow .
Over the years there always seems to be one expert who knows what is wrong with NACHI and tries to tell others NON stop how NACHI needs improving .
Then they get to see how stupid they are and move on .
Attached Thumbnails

Why has that # dropped from your previous posts? Using another MB member’s estimates of the # of HI’s in Canada, it’s 13+%.

Using the numbers quoted in an article written by and “industry leader” for the Real Estate magazine, it is as stated - 7.8%. And frankly, I trust his numbers more than yours.

I think that has been stated for over a year now.

You know what they say - " Good things are worth waiting for."


I asked first.:smiley:
Why don’t you do something constructive for the industry for a change and see if you can supply us with the answers.:roll:

Those answers are not going to be available unless someone has maybe $50-$100,000+ and even then, #'s would be questionable. Your use of the these questions is nothing but a smokescreen to try to deflect attention form the real issue…regulation which you philosophically are against…it’s coming.

BTW, if as you claim, everything is OK in the HI industry…you say there are very few complaints/lawsuits, why are you even trying to put together another association with training/certification…would appear from listening to yourself, it’s unneccesary!

Here’s a little something that it appears you refused to comment on in another thread when addressed to yourself:

"Maybe you have already followed all the comments on the large BC courts award against an HI. Found this again today on the Florida thread:

I have only read about 1/2 of the comments but they may give an idea of the public’s feeling about HI’s.…socialcomments"

PS: Have not had 1 person that I have queried about licensing for HI’s say “no” to it. Many thought it was such an important service involving such large amounts of $$$, that they simply assumed it “had to be licensed already”. Had dinner last evening with 3 gents that are part of a technical QC team that keeps our navy’s equipment safe and moving…they thought I was joking with them when I mentioned the lack of regulation but were flabbergasted when they realized I wasn’t!!

[quote=“Brian_A.MacNeish, post:79, topic:56277”]

"Maybe you have already followed all the comments on the large BC courts award against an HI. Found this again today on the Florida thread:

I have only read about 1/2 of the comments but they may give an idea of the public’s feeling about HI’s.


**Sorry, we can’t find the page you requested. **

Your’s did not work I guess this is the one you want .
Of Course you failed to tell all .
The Inspector belonged to CAHPI](“”)