There are now 365 Certified Master Inspectors in the world.

Certified Master Inspectors

Everyone should remember that you can become a CMI now and pay what you can afford later. That is an awsome deal. Thanks to Nick for the hot deal for CMI’s.

Wow, there’s only 4 master inspectors in Illinois out of about 1500 or more licensed inspectors. 3 are NACHI members and one is a janitor. WTF??

Wow, there’s only 4 master inspectors in Illinois out of about 1500 or more licensed inspectors. 3 are NACHI members and one is a janitor.

I missed the point, I guess. We have over a 1000 home inspectors here in Florida and some are mold inspectors, at least for another 5 months. Third party certification tends to solve some problems.
It’s almost 7, time to get these guys on the road and out of the office, let the work begin.
Everyone have a great Thursday

Would someone tell me what a 365 Certified Master Inspector is?:wink:

I think Nick meant to type “now” instead of “no”

There was a post a while back that said he needed a “wharehouse” inspected. We are not really sure if he meant " warehouse" or “whorehouse”.

That could be why we haven’t heard from Ben / Nachi.TV in a while :mrgreen:

Now 366! Just saw my name added to the CMI directory! I will be “re-marketing” myself starting tomorrow. Thanks Nick!!

One CMI for every day of the year. Now including a leap year.

It has already made a difference for me… dropped new “CMI” business cards at a few R.E. offices this week, and got calls asking about it and me. Booked 3 more inspections on those calls!