Toilet Tank

Originally Posted By: cbuell
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Does anyone know if it is considered acceptable to have 4" of space between the tank and the wall? I am used to seeing tanks getting some support from the wall.

Originally Posted By: jwilliams4
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My grandson’s bathroom toilet was less than an inch from the

wall, but he leaned against it and, of course, it caused a leak.

A four inch gap could easily break the tank from the base.

"not just an inspection, but an education"

Originally Posted By: gbeaumont
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Hi Charles,

you see this quite a lot on rehabs, where a modern close coupled toilet has replaced an older setup, I would write it up as in need of further support for exactly the reasons Jae discussed.



Gerry Beaumont
NACHI Education Committee
e-mail :
NACHI phone 484-429-5466

Inspection Depot Education

"Education is a journey, not a destination"

Originally Posted By: Jay Moge
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typicly toilet flanges are set 12’’ o.c. to the wall. sometimes (for what ever reason) you’ll see it only 10’’ o.c. they sell toilets with either config. but if your seeing a 10’’ o.c. toilet on a 12’’ o.c. flange, you’ll have a larger space than usual. icon_cool.gif