Originally Posted By: jmyers
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Perceptive I must say.
Here is the way these "main" service panels are wired. I say both panels are main because both of these babies are using the same SE cable, the feeders to the panel on the left are double tapped on the line side of the fused panel lugs.
The SE wire feeding both of those panels is aluminum rated for 100 amps. The fused panel is rated at 100 amps, the main lug panel is rated for 125 amps. Do some addition, I came up with 225 amps running on 100 amp wire.
Joe D, was correct the SE wire is being fed up from the bottom left of the fused panel and onto the lugs on the top.
The fused panel is a split buss, no less. The pull out on the top disconnects the power to the entire bottom part of the panel, all the screw type fuses.
With the main lug panel, they attempted to comply with the six breaker, switch rule, which has a total of six breakers turning off the power to everything in that panel. Correct, if you add the pull out in the fused panel, you come up with seven to turn off the power to the entire house.
Both panels were not grounded with a rod and ground wire. The fused panel was bonded to the water pipe about 10 feet away, instead of to both sides of the water meter. They bonded the main lug panel to the fused panel with the same white wire they used for the feeder on the double lug.
There were abandoned wires on the top left side of the fused panel, which correlated to the color and size of abandoned wires I found behind the gas heater. No, they were not energized.
There were multiple neutral wires under several terminations, as many as there under some terminations.
That is where I stopped, I told them that I found enough wrong that they needed to contact a reputable electrician for further evaluation and repairs made based on their recommendations.
Joe Myers