Unsafe junction box


When I was younger, I remember witnessing someone install a dishwasher. In the process, he did some things that were rather stupid. I asked the him at the time whether what he was doing was safe. He assured me it was. Now that I am older and know more, I’m pretty sure he was wrong. Here’s what he did:

He installed a junction box on the floor somewhere behind the dishwasher. Of course, it can’t be seen, and it is on the floor beneath the kitchen counter. As I recall, it is positioned in a way that it is unlikely to come into contact with water. Nevertheless, it could still happen.

Here’s my question: I no longer live at the residence where this man did this work, although I owned the building when he did it. (That’s why I was able to see him do this.) Is this code violation (or collection of violations!) so serious that I should try to do something about this despite no longer living at that home? If so, what do you suggest I do? I’d hate to think that a house could burn down when I now suspect that something is wrong and could maybe do something about it. Should I worry about this?

John Stabinski

I wouldn’t worry until the dishwasher starts leaking. :slight_smile:

But if it really bothers you, just slide the dishwasher out
and put the proper connection in the wall.

As an electrical contractor I have installed many junction boxes on dishwashers where the cable was damaged during the wall covering and finishing.

The joints are required to be made in a box by the NEC and short of replacing the cable it is the only method of repair.

The box is required to be secured to the building and not lying free although there would be no real danger should it be left loose.

For enough water to enter the box to cause damage or be a grave danger the floor would be the same depth in water through out the area.

Diddo what Mike said…I also wanted to add I would probably be more concerned if the unit is old and has one of the follow issues:

1.) No true OFF setting on the unit that truly disconnects all ungrounded conductors…if so it needs a lock out at the panel…unless of course it is within site ( fat chance )

If it is hard wired and not done like most are today with a cord and plug option going through the cabinet to a receptacle under the sink…then it would need an appliance disconnect ( ie: switch or circuit breaker )

But I am like mike…the water would be my last concern…I guess I would be more concerned over the ABOVE statement more so I guess.