Well, I had the roofer come out and look at the work his crew did.
He stands behind their work. Specifically, he said the valley is a reversed
closed valley due to the water runoff. I see his point of view and others I’ve talk to have split opinions. Not everyone acknowleges a california/long island cut and there is no concrete explanations through my research except for GAF. Tamko seems to have a different perspective as not recognizing a specific cut. The roofer was reluctant to fill in the flashing areas saying they will not leak since there is already flashing going up under the siding. He said the apron flashing is sufficiant. However, he said that he would send his crew leader over that did my roof to trim the overhang and add some more apron flashing. Unfortunately, it’s been rainy and he probably will not be here until next week. With all the rain, I have now found leaks in the 2 new pipe flashing in the attic. Now I’m getting irritated and feel I made a mistake hiring this company. I thought I did my homework considering they had many references, they were license and insured, and looked at their previous work. Here’s the link to the photos again:
I think it should be an open metal flashed valley. Considering its now leaking and he said he stands behind his work I would be inclined to ask him now how he will deal with the fact his work or his crews work is now leaking.
Document via photos the leak and time and date.
For what its worth, I too thought I did my homework when I had my flat roof replaced 3 years ago from built up tar and gravel to membrane. The first winter the memberane leaked resulting in wet tar board. They came out and looked at the problem. They told me the tar board would dry out. Needless to say it did not, and another year went by when I contacted the roofer who sent another crew out to rip off part of the membrane and replaced the wet tar board underlayment and replaced the membrane. The installer who did the repairs could not believe the first installers from the same company did such a crap job. Fortunately the roofing company in my case came through, but I was prepared to take them to small claims court.
Stand your ground is all that I can advise you to do. Make sure you have a contract and keep date and times of contact times.
BTW I would be inclined to leave a slight overhang of the shingles at the gable ends, you don’t want the water seeping back down under the shingles at these areas as shown in the last photo.
The valley is not leaking, but there are those who say that a California/Long Island cut is wrong including GAF (They have seen the photos). Tamko (the shingles I have) seem reluctant to acknowledge whether it was done correctly. What is leaking are the 2 pipe flashings (stink pipes). I believe it should have had a gasket, not just the overlay flashing where I can see daylight though small holes. Now I have more of an uneasy feeling whether the whole roof was done correctly. Specifially, flashing and valley.
Check this link out, four ways to lay a vallley.
The problem with the valley is esthetics, mostly. They obviously lost the centerline going up a bit left of center then corrected it to the right, should have torn it out right then.
The lack of overhang is by design, I think. The roof next door has a generous overhang, built that way.
Putting new siding on over the old will decrease the overhang to zero, IMO.
Good link.
Thanks John:
This is the preferred method for our we(s)t coast weather.
Do it right the first time or live with a drip!
If the roofer is insured, just contact his insurer and file a claim. That will get his attention.