Originally Posted By: bgentry This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Just report it exactly as you see it. I wouldn’t offer any explanation as to why it happened or how to fix it. Our job is only to report. I would advise them to have a professional roofing contractor check it out before closing. Off the record, it looks bad enough to replace at least that section of roof decking. Just my opinion.
Anyone else?
-- Bradley S. Gentry
Superior Home Inspection, LLC
Harrisonburg, Charlottesville, &
Elkton, VA
Originally Posted By: lkage This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
dsmith1 wrote:
How would you report this condition 
Possible wording:
The roof deck is badly warped and delaminating.
The house is 40 years old, recently reshingled, trusses on 2 foot centers with plywood that appears appox. 3/8" thick which would be inadequate by today's standards. Vents were added but the soffits are 50 % obstructed with insulation impairing adequate ventilation. Some H clips are missing. The roof is springy in some places and can be a safety hazard to walk on.
I recommend a qualified roofing contractor evaluate the roof and make repairs as needed.
-- "I have never met a man so ignorant that I couldn't learn something from him."
Galileo Galilei