NH has to be at the top of the list because of the NACHI Bill which licenses commercial inspectors we have in NH. But other than NH, how do we pick them? Maybe by making a poll so members can declare their interest and then hit the high-interest cities first?
I believe the first thing NACHI needs to do is to develop and ratify its own Commercial version of our SOP. It needs to be meaningful, and although ASTM has 2810-01 for a standard, that standard is pretty much meaningless.
ESOP will start development of a more meanngful standard. It will probably be based, at least in part, on 2810, but will bring the SOP to a more meaningful level.
As the comercial courses you are taking revolve arounf the 2810 standard, and that inspectors attending, we assume, already know how to inspect a building, the training will still be quite meaningful to you all.
I say to go for it.
Buffalo, New York would be a great location as it would draw Rochester, Syracuse, Utica, Binghampton, N.Y. as well as New England states and Pennsylvania, Ohio. And let’s not forget about our neighbors to the north who would cross the border in droves, eh?
Not to mention a Sabres-Maple Leafs game.
Phoenix is a great idea!
I think we also mentioned several places in Florida, but maybe missed North Florida.
Branson missouri offers plenty to see and do…The new Branson Landing area has convention center /large hotel opening soon .Bass Pro has a store in the same area all on the lake front.Branson commercial inspection business has to be in demand.It seems the motels and theaters are buying and selling left and right.Spring in the Ozarks is beautiful!
What about Illinois we have ITA school here.
Pulls in Kentucky, Indiana, Tennessee, Ohio, Wisconsin etc
Any chance Southern California could benefit from any of the NACHI programs. I know we’ve only got 23 million people living below the grape vine and represent the 3rd largest state wide membership, but I thought I’d mention it anyway. Los Angeles should be a consideration. It’s a 1 hour drive from OC, the Valley and Valencia, 1.5 hours from Ventura and the Inland Empire, two hours from San Diego, Bakersfield and the high desert. Los Angeles would provide daily driving access to maybe 300-400 members and LAX for air access to the balance of the West Coast membership. Cost might be something like you offered Colorado.
The fair thing would be to base it upon the geogrphical concentration of members. The practicle thing would be to base on the geographical concentration of members who commit to training.
Nick, I think NH is a natural place to start, as you know I have taken ITA’s commercial training and I believe we are on the right track as far as licencing inspectors for residential and commercial.
Anything I can do to help facilitate this please let me know.
There’s an ITA Learning center in the suburbs of Chicago.
Centrally located. Easy to fly to. Big local Chapter. I would think it’s a natural.
The point is moot because Nick allready knew what he was going to to do before he ever started this thread just because…well… that’s Nick.
If you could give us an idea of which cities you’re leaning toward, that would be great. I just booked a flight and hotel in Denver for the Feb meeting. If I know you’re coming to Phoenix, I could give my spot there to someone else. If Phoenix is out of the question, please let us know.
As far as a fair way, I would start by states with most members. If you want to start a poll, start one now.
I thought that NACHI TV was “in production for weeks” on a NACHI commercial course featuring Jerry B.
What happened to that (which was supposed to replace the “hands-on Free commercial training center”)?
There are some excellent RT prices from Seattle to LAX right now. I’d do it.
This school is headquartered in California, and as stated you have a large membership on the West Coast.
If I was a betting man, I would bet that you will soon have a Commercial Course in your area.
It’s pretty obvious where this ITA course must be held…
Look at the membership numbers.
HI David!
According to Nick …New Hampshire has 93 registered members and has a population of 1.3 million people.
According to this information he concluded that our Chapter had more members per capita than any other state.
That means that our little ol state is #1 in the Nation!
We are “Pro Active” and mean to stay that way. We have introduced Commercial Licensing into our bill and pushed for Commercial Certification for ALL of our members.
I am happy to say that with the introduction of the Commercial Course
our persistence and goals have had a positive effect on our association as a whole.
Kudos to Nick, for doing this for our entire membership. I look forward to the day when each and every NACHI member is Commercially Certified.