What Size Ladder

I’m a recently licensed HI in Texas and currently am trying to get the business off the ground.

Looking at purchasing a Little Giant ladder, but was wanting to get input from you guys as to which size y’all use. I’m honestly looking at the 26’ model as it would allow me to get on many single story roofs in a typical position.

Any advice or recommendations y’all could offer would be appreciated.


Terry Porter

I use the 17’ LG 90 % of the time. It’s easier to move around inside a house. It’s lighter to move around, period and it gets me onto almost every roof I want to get on. Easy to pull up and reset to get onto 2nd story roofs also. The other 10% of the time I either use a 28 extension or I stay on the ground.

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I use a 17’ LG. If I can’t get on a roof with that, it’s a good excuse not to go. (You are not required to walk a roof.)

Gravity is unforgiving of mistakes. I never go on a 2 story roof. I do not walk steep pitched single story roofs either.

I have a 17’ LG and a 21’ Gorilla.

I know I am going to catch hell for this, but I feel safer on the Gorilla… Duck!

Get both the 11 or 12 foot Little Giant and the 21 or 22 foot Little Giant.

The little one works on most houses for me and is great for getting into attics. Occassionally, I’ll have to pull out the big one, but not often.

OK, so I cheated and bought the little one as a wal-mart knockoff for $96.00. It’s sturdy, I like it, and it has held up well over the last several years.


I use a 22 foot for the exterior. And a 6 fibreglass of the attic.

I use the 12’ Xtend & Climb for interior use and 1 story roofs. I also have a 24’ Werner extension ladder for 2 story roofs.

Me too, 12.5’ Xtend-n-Climb plus an 18’-20’ Cosco (Lil Giant want-a-be) that never gets used anymore.

16’ AL Climbtec (not fond of metal ladders) for roofs and a 6’ fibreglas ladder for indorors. If I need to go higher I use binoculars, but usually I can get up on the patio cover and get higher from there.

I use only the little Giant 17 foot .

I also have a 25 power scope on a try pod for those special looks from afar.

Never need or want any thing else. works fro me . Roy sr

16 ft Jaws and the famous Specoscope

I also use the 12.5’ Extend & Climb. It gets me on most single story homes. I would not climb a second story roof even if I had the appropriate ladder. It is a business decision I made the day I started and will never change. I feel more secure scaling cliffs in Colorado than I do on the top of a a long ladder. Your guess is as good as mine as to why.

Erol Kartal

12.5’ Telesteps

12.5 Telesteps (best tool investment I’ve made) and the 22’ LG. You simply can’t beat the Telesteps (or extend & climb) for attic hatches, especially the tight closet ones. Probably 80% or more of the time the Telesteps is all that I use. In fact I leave the LG at home a lot depending on the MLS picture of the home. The 22’ LG is a great ladder, but a top heavy handful when fully extended. I’m not sure I could get the 26 footer upright by myself. I think our old friend, Jerry Peck, rigged a pulley system for his so that he could do the final extension in the upright position.

Just remember that no matter what size ladder you use to get **on **a roof, that’s the easy part. It’s the getting **off **that can get scary. During my first year there were a couple of times I sat on ridges with my knees knocking, and seriously considered using my cell phone to call for help. I still walk most roofs but I’m a little smarter about my limitations now.

Your comfort level may vary.

17’ Jaws and 12 1/2’ extend and climb

I use the 26’ LG and do all kinds of stuff I have no business doing to get up on second story flat rowhome roofs. The real pain in the … is when there is a 3 or 4 foot basement wall extension above grade!!

I am a bit twisted that way, but I just HAVE to see the roof!

I love the LG because if I pull the passenger seat forward a little and put the back passenger side seat down, it slides neatly into my Mountaineer and I do not have to wrestle with putting it on top of the truck.

BTW for interiors and attics, I just leave the extensions in the Mountaineer.

Yah… I have been looking at that one. I currently use your typical folding 7ft (special order) ladder and a 10’ folding as well… for taller ceilings. But, before I buy the telesteps (xtend & climb) my question to you is…

How do you use the ladder for attic access without damaging sheetrock at the access hole?.. You know… like when you lean it against the opening… if its sheetrock… its gonna get marred or crushed… or even… I assume you would have to extend it against the lid some how… am I right?.. you know what I mean? BTW…75% of the homes I inspect have the access in a large walk-in closet… no walls to lean the ladder against…
I would appreciate any insight you have…

Thanks greatly,

I started my business with a Little Giant about 20’ fiberglass, its about 22 years old. It gets me every where I needed to go. I also started carrying a 5’ step ladder recently for inside use. I also have a 28’ extension that I have only taken a dozen times or so.
I think you should get the longest you feel comfortable with and one that will fit in your truck.


When the opening is close enough to the wall I will first extend the telesteps enough to lean against the wall, climb up a few steps and push the hatch cover at least part way open. Then I will get off and extend the ladder further into the opening. (you can make a telesteps longer without closing it all the way, but you have to start from scratch to make it shorter)

On the rare occasion that an attic hatch is “in the middle of nowhere” I simply extend the ladder enough to push one side of the hatch cover up. When done you re-insert the hatch, one side leaning on the ladder, and then “jockey” it into final position with the ladder.

As far as crushing any sheetrock lip around the opening, if I’m understanding your concern correctly, you just have to get enough angle on the ladder and into the hatch far enough so that it rests on the framing around the hole. I don’t remember ever having a problem with damaging a hatch or opening with the ladder.

I spent my first year and a half using either the LG and/or a variety of stepladders and short extensions for attic hatches. Since I bought the Telesteps (it fits in the “boot” of the Mini) I haven’t had the need to take anything else inside a home. I have a telescoping painter’s pole to use for those cathedral ceiling smokeys. I don’t think you can get by with just the telesteps, but you would need a team of wild horses to get mine away from me.

Call me cheap…all our guys have a 17’ Werner Ladder…just like the little giant only HALF the price…no wait…1/3rd the price…we got ours for $ 99.00 each…same warranty and same OSHA rating and weight allowance.