What the heck

Got a call from a client that was referred to me to do a inspection, asked all the questions, building re pore, finally got to the price, told him the price ($375 for a 3300sqft no pool) which then led to this question; Why are you so much more than my sisters inspector:shock:? He was only charging 199 and for 50 dollars more he would give a termite report. If you are the inspector reading this post WHY Man WHY??? Your killing us.

From this guys website he does not even charge for thermal imaging. :shock:

I did book the inspection by the way and I did not bad mouth the other inspector but just cant understand why he would do it. I can maybe see a new guy doing this but this guy has over 3000 inspections under his belt. I mean when you get an appraisal done you expect to pay anywhere from $300 to $600 dollars and our service is much more detailed. Just nuts!!

Ok that all I got. I just needed to Vent:mrgreen:

Put his name.
At least you got it.
Bet if you send him a sample report ,the other guys looks like a checklist.

Did you ask why he is not using his sisters Inspector…hmmm…?

Texas has a standard report form that does have check boxes but we still have to give opinions on things (foundation, how we viewed roof, water psi, ,)

$250 in my area can buy you a home inspection, water sampling and a “septic inspection” from a “12 year inspector / teacher”, yet some idiots have the nerve to price shop that and tune out red flags that the obscenely low price waves … :roll: :roll: :roll:

This industry is a professional business and I wished these low ball inspectors would start treating it as a professional business and stop with there cheap prices…

Get this, I talked to the Realtor who referred me, which I have worked with in the past (and I like), he also refers this lowballer :shock:. He goes on to tell me that the lowballer dose quality work and that he is taking the inspection business by storm in that area. He in plied that that I needed to do the same to keep business. I just laughed and told him that the lowballer can work harder if he wants, his 200 inspection will add up to my 100 :mrgreen::mrgreen:.


You might want to add into section 3…

Always answer your phone by thanking the client for calling Blah Blah Blah Home Inspections. Let them know who they are talking to and ask how you can help them TODAY.

There are a lot of people who know the principle, but often abreviate it. When you call, you only get “XYX Home Inspections…How can I help you?” Cutting corners on the way you answer your phone can be a direct impression to some people of the quality of the service you will provide. You have approximately 7 seconds to impress someone enough that they will have a desire to pay attention to what you have to say. Use all 7 seconds and don’t cut it down to 4. Don’t short change them when it comes to your personal introduction.

I lost 3 inspections this week due to price. I don’t know what to do. Quality does not mean much any more. Our culture cares only about price, it is the only judgment anymore.

This is why we do not always get the respect we deserve. I have had agents ask me to reduce my price and let me know they are price shopping. We will never get respect until we get paid what we are worth. Doing an inspection for nothing devalues are service. No value no respect.

Scott do you use a script of sorts when clients call? If so will you share it with everyone?