What type of roof covering? 1960's mobile home

1960’s mobile home

It has a corrugated pattern so I’m hoping someone recognizes this roof covering type. It appeared to be a rubber coating on what appeared to be metal and had a little give when walking. I’m now kicking myself for not pulling out a magnet.

My feeling is aluminum with a rubberized coating but I want to be positive or I’ll have to state “uncertain” (with my feelings noted) in the report.

What say you?

Appears to be the old and trusted Aluma-Kote found in parks all across America. It even has a manufactured home on its label.



“The roof features a reflective rubber-like surface coating. The condition and type of roofing material beneath this coating cannot be determined at this time due to the limitations of this visual inspection.”


agree with Bryan, in a 60 year old manufactured home that is proll not your biggest problem… :joy:


Thanks Brian! I like that narrative :+1:


Yes, good narrative… with one change, IMO…

The verbiage “at this time” infers that it can be determined by you at another time.
Don’t even get into that pissing match. Delete those words!


I seen those roofs on modular class room units at the school board where I live. I believe that it is a membrane that is coated with tar. I have that impression because you said that when you walk on it there some depression. I had to walk on a roof like this one and if the conditions are right your feet can press into the tar and cut the surface that would leave an impression of your shoes.

Only thing missing from the label picture is a the potbelly handyman with a bad comb-over and an overloaded 30 year old Ford Ranger.

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