When is the Justice Department going to release Jeffrey Epstein's flight log, Hillary's emails, Hunter's laptop AND Trump's documents at Mar-o-Laga?

And how many times has your president made racist remarks? (That no main stream media network would dare bring up) And been doing it his whole life. Now his wife is doing it too.

So we can’t criticize what’s coming across the southern border because their skin color is different? That’s a trap. It’s disingenuous and it’s not what he said.

So, read this seething article.

Then these

Of course, if everything is hyper focused on skin color vs actions it is easy to be offended. So, we can look at the southern border for what it is, or we can be so focused on skin color that we are handcuffed to the point we cannot defend the safety of our citizens or theirs.


You obviously don’t understand how elections work.

That’s one week in Trump time.

So what’s going to be the next conspiracy for those on the right side of the political spectum?

The John Durham Probe Gave Trump What He Wanted (msn.com)

John Durham, the U.S. attorney whom former Attorney General Bill Barr appointed to investigate the origins of the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, is reportedly near to wrapping up his work.

Since his appointment in May 2019, Durham has obtained the conviction of an FBI lawyer for what a federal judge deemed a mere “inappropriate shortcut” in a warrant application, swiftly lost a case against a lawyer for the Hillary Clinton campaign, and charged a Russia analyst in a case that has not yet gone to trial.

the real reason he was appointed is that Donald Trump’s political con requires the promise of total vindication right around the corner. For a time, Durham provided that hope for Trump backers. But now, as Trump moves on to other ploys, the Durham probe has served its purpose, even though it has produced no major convictions or epiphanies.

I think we should be asking the left the same question since the whole thing was debunked.

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Well, well, well…
What do you know?? Now a second location of classified documents found that Biden hid WHILE HE WAS VICE PRESIDENT. A vice president has no protection, and no authority to de-classify anything, yet here we are…
Think the main stream media will cover this like they did the trump document nonsense? Think the FBI will raid Biden’s home, or Hunters home for that matter? Yeah, that’s what I thought…

As usual, all I hear is crickets…


Where are all the photo’s of the documents strewn on the floor by the DOJ?

Yup, it is pretty funny. I did recall Biden saying this:

So now the dance begins, media coverage, talking points, op-ed’s, all to convince how different Biden’s case is. Because of course, Biden did the right thing…bahahah.

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Except he actually DID commit a crime, while trump did not.

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Apparently, this news should have broken days before the mid-terms. I guess the same “Bury the story” team that worked for Hunter was activated.

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Your government in the US might be just as corrupt as ours is here in Canada.

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It’s a conspiracy, the FBI planted those documents.

But it doesn’t matter because Biden waved his hand and declassified them, so it’s all good. :us:


Not against Biden or the dems…thats the problem.

Trump has that authority, a VP doesnt. Big difference.

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And thats just the type of response I was expecting from the left. When Trump does it, hes a big, bad criminal that deserves to be in jail the rest of his life. When Biden’s crime family does the exact same thing, and it actually IS a crime, its “oh well, thats not a big deal, whatever”…

Did you know that China has donated $77M to the Penn Biden center in the past 7 years? Why do you think they would be doing that? And why do you think the center paid Biden nearly $1M to play teacher a few times? (that they reported anyways) The whole center is a money laundering scheme. Imagine if that was the “Florida Trump” center…accepting hundreds of millions of foreign money every year…

Imagine if Trump’s son was accepting millions from china, and was a drug addicted, prostitute addicted moron.
Imagine if everyone on Trumps administration had absolutely no experience in their field, and were all working together in the “Florida Trump” crime center in the past?
Imagine if trump had 8k people a day coming across our borders, levels never before seen.
Imagine if trump had a fentanyl surge that could kill every American 4 times.
Imagine if…(could do this all day)

Starting to see the difference?

Starting to see the difference?

Yep, one side’s lawyers found the documents, alerted the archives about them and made sure they were turned over the next day. The other side lied about having any documents repeatedly, forcing a raid to retrieve them.

With that being said I personally believe that there should be stringent rules/laws in place for removing/returning classified documents and there most likely already are. The problem with these types of laws is that it is very hard to tell a president or vice president not to do something.

There may be some instances where it is needed that these documents have to be removed but it wouldn’t be too hard to set up an alert system where the person removing these documents are notified to return the documents after a certain amount of time i.e 1. sign out the document/s 2. archive or whoever notifies person “documents have been out for one week” or whatever. We have a library system that is capable of keeping track of and recovering items that are out on loan, I’m sure the government can come up with something…maybe.

If it comes out that Biden had these documents with possible nefarious intent than it should be looked into further.

I was joking Daniel.

If Biden commited a crime by purposely concealing or stealing classified documents and failed to comply with current law then he should of course be help accountable.

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I have to say, intent is not really the issue. It is responsible custodianship. Hillary was let off the hook for being reckless. Biden is praying for similar treatment.

He has had these documents for years and years. Who knows what his intent was? A conspiracy type person might say he had the documents for nefarious reasons (Sound familiar? think Trump) and the documents have long since served their purpose. And only now did he have to decide what to do with them without jeopardizing the case against Trump. Hence the perception of cooperation.

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I know you were… in a passive aggressive way. :slightly_smiling_face:

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