Wind and Hail Damage Inspections Course

Hi, everyone

In this picture we can see that the installed roof is a 3 tab.

And also we can see that there are three marks from a hail damage.

I think the damage was caused by hail damage. And they were not caused intentionally.

What do you think?


Carbon monoxide poisoning and detectors.

I think this article is very important to keep in mind. Because we can make the difference just paying attention in a little things.

Put detectors around the house and also in the garage is important.

Hi, everyone

Advantages of solar energy.

We knows that every day electrical energy is more expensive and not only that is harmful to health. Instead the solar energy is better in every way, Because it is not harmful to health and is more cheaper.
I hope that in the not too distant future we just use solar energy for every thing.

This is a unique cse and an area not usually found during the normal course of a home inspection. I think it would be more pertinent for an insurance adjuster when the HO puts in for a claim due to storm/hail damage. In 18 years of inspecting, I have never done a separate hail damage inspection. Even as a FEMA damage housing Inspector, we are not inspecting anything like this. This should be a mandatory requirement for Florida and other States Insurance Adjusters. My opinion. Thanks.

This is a photo of a 3 tab composition shingle. It shows signs of algae growth.
The roof does not show any signs of thermal cracking. It does not show signs of mechanical damage.
It does not show any significant hail damage.


I read the following 2 articles: Inspecting Underlayment on roofs and Ice dams
An ice dam is a ridge of ice that forms at the edge of the roof and prevents melting snow from draining. The trapped melting snow can get under the shingles and cause interior water damage.

There are specific types of underlayment that must be used in conjunction with the specific types of roofing materials based on the climate where the roof is being installed. underlayment is the moisture barrier. it can be water proof or water resistent

Here is an image of some asphalt shingles in fairly good condition. However, there was evidence of some nail pops where the nails, through expansion and contraction, were forced up and resulting in raised shingle tabs.

Here is a photo of a roof that was inspected but had no hail damage. The roof was only a few weeks old and therefore was still very pliable. Also the hail was minimal in size.Draw Inspection Delgato 5-6-16 002.JPG

Draw Inspection Delgato 5-6-16 002.JPG

Draw Inspection Delgato 5-6-16 002.JPG

It is critical for home owners to maintain a good roof on their home to help protect their investment. Deferred maintenance can lead to damage to decking and other structural components. Regular inspection can help keep a roof working well for the life of the roof.

Enjoying the class so far

These insulated aluminum roof panels demonstrated evidence of hail damage. Pit marks were 1.5 " across. No evidence of moisture intrusion was observed.

There wasnt anything else to read on wind and hail so I read an interesting article on OSB vs plywood panels. Both are held to similar performance factors but both also have their cautions to use. OSB is good to use as long as it is kept dry and plywood as long as it’s used in areas where it can be kept from delaminating.

Tree Dangers

I read about tree dangers around the home. This article had some great information about tree location around the home. Will help during future inspections.

This is an image of rust spots on the Chimney flashing. You can see there is also paint on the galvanized metal flashing which is a mistake. Galvanized Flashing should not be painted is what I learned in one of my inspection classes. I have seen a chimney contractor actually grind the old paint off of the flashing at my parent’s house in order to paint the chimney flashing which is required by the H.O.A. It took him hours to do this and a lot of grinding/sanding of the old paint on a ladder in order to do this. It is too bad that the H.O.A. has passed this rule as painting galvanized metal is supposed to be bad for its protection from what I have been told. I bet the grinding off of the paint will also grind off the galvanized treatment as well. Also, the recurring cost of hiring the contractor to grind off and repaint the flashing every few years. Would it be cheaper to replace the metal when it fails? Probably not, especially if it is embedded in the mortar as they usually do not re-embed the flashing in the mortar in this area of the country. They usually just caulk or glue the flashing to the mortar on a re-roof job.

AFCI testers are not the only way to test AFCI. You can also test the AFCI at the breaker as required by the manufacturer. Sometimes your AFCI tester will not work on an AFCI breaker, will not trip the breaker. In that case, you should hit the test button on the AFCI breaker to test it.:shock:

This was an image taken in a home inspection done a few weeks ago. The roof has fiberglass shingles and they are about 10 years old. Even though the roof was not leaking at the time of inspection the coverings have excessive granule loss in some areas in relationship to the roof age.

I read and study about GFCI receptacles. Was interesting to note that about 300 deaths by electrocution occur every year and how the requirements for GFCIs have been changing over the years. They are required in bathrooms, garage, outdoors, kitchens, basements, boat houses, indoor pools and spas, crawlspaces, wet bars, rooftops, temporary wiring for construction and multiple other commercial applications.

I took a picture of this roof.
It shows that the shingles are old and decayed by the breakage and also the gap between the tabs of the shingles. The shingles are very brittle.

I read about how home owners fix and do their own home improvements but dont realize that there are codes to follow.Or that what they have done as an improvement may actually cause more problems than they had in the first place.
Its really important to take note to the small things like using the correct screws.

The picture shows a depression that could possibly be from hail damage. There is the “halo” around the outer edge of the depression and the granulars are pressed into the shingle mat. This would have been caused by hail greater than 1” in diameter. I would look for a random yet consistent pattern of damage.

Roof Surface.png