Wind mit gable ends

I saw this today and thought it might explain things.

These are gables based on the 1802 form. They are measured and calculated with the non-hip portion of the roof perimeter.

I hope that helps




From architectionary:

The term Gable refers to the vertical wall that is bounded by two planes of a sloping roof.

The term Gable as an adjective can also refer to a type of roof, commonly called a Gable Roof, but also known as a Pitched Roof. A roof is considered a Gable Roof if both ends have a Gable wall, if each roof plane is pitched at approximately the same pitch, and if the roof planes are flat, without a change in direction.

A Gable Roof with significantly different roof plane pitches might be considered a salt box roof.
A Gable Roof where one part of the roof plane is at a steeper pitch than the other might be considered a gambrel roof.

All that being said, it is still counted as non-hip.

I am just curious as to who makes that determination. By definition that is not a gable, unless, of course, the insurance company decides to make up their own rules. OH wait, they would never do that, would they?

As ridiculous as it sounds it is correct.

It is all about how wind flows over the rake

Well I have to say i completely disagree with you on this one John, all i see are straight walls at different heights. I would never count that as a gable wall. The roof has a slope the wall does not.

Disagree if you like but these areas are counted as non-hip. This is an extreme case but does illustrate the point well. The front of the home had two large gables and these did not change the roof category alone.

John, there is nothing in the 1802 form that would make those two areas gables. Now maybe somebodies interpretation of the form, who might have good reason to try to make it more complex, thereby selling more classes.

Feel free to mark it anyway you see fit. You are correct that there are several manuals that would call them out as “gable”. Based on research, statistics and insurance company re-inspections they would be considered non-hip in those areas, which is the reason why I posted them. btw, I have never charged anything for the wind mit class I give or the free version on Inachi.

John I apologize, that was not meant to be a personal attack on you, I did not realise that you had a wind mit course. I still say that is not a gable, and as far as the reinspections go, it is definately not a gable. they count from the wall up, not the overhang.

At least one of the re-inspection manuals I have says they measure across the fascias and bottom cord of the gables.

Guys, if you disagree or not it still doesnt change the fact that if you dont count it you will be wrong. Save yourselves some problems. Most of the time as John said it doesnt make a difference.

This is a rake board…which is a component of a Gable roof. The length of run under this length of rise is calculated as non-hip perimeter.

and that tiny bit of non-hip perimeter is very unlikely to change things, based upon a normally all-hip house design.

why the heck are people nit picking apart little things. If the rest of the house is clearly hip, why even waste time bringing this **** up? If it is going to make a diff., then post all 4 sides of pics. Otherwise, seems like a complete waste of time and discussion of some hypothetical bs just to try and prove something.

and one more thing…how accurate are the measurements of a non-hip portion of a house required to be?

Is the re-in-con-spector a-h measuring the length including to the ends of the fascia bds or to some other imaginary point? Does he even know how to handle a tape on a sloped roof in the wind by his sorry *** self? With a thunderstorm prowling overhead and lightning cloud to ground? All for a few $ while risking life and limb (see prev. posts ad nauseum re: life safety aspects of photograhing wind mit insp’s)?

Make sure everyone you know is told about the dangers because nothing is getting done about it and it does not seem to matter to many around here. I do not think anyone thinks an inspector will die trying to get wind mitigation photos but I am sorry to say I know it is going to happen.

You try to help people and they attack
This is why

Sometimes it does make a difference and you do not want to look like the idiot when that stupid contractor/re-inspectors tells YOUR client YOU do not know how to measure. They will throw you under the bus every time. Then the insurance companies and re-inspection companies giggle and say HIs do them wrong. At the last OIR meeting HIs were blamed for doing them wrong, before they could even do them.

You guys who think you know should stop assuming you do. Read the manuals, take the classes, follow the studies and finally go to the meetings. After you do all then you have the full picture and then you can intelligently argue your point.

Oh and when you do one for an insurance company that requires a sketch, go ahead and just ignore the little details. Watch how fast you client and you get re-inspected. Then they put your name on the naughty list. Then they start re-inspecting all of your stuff.

After your clients complain to the agents(insurance and real estate) guess who then has more free time to complain how the stupid re-inspector does not know what they are doing.

None of that is hypothetical BS. Ask the HIs that were not permitted to do wind mits, ask them how much work they loose to contractors who moved in and took over.

You all may not like the insurance inspections, don’t do them or do them wrong, it only makes others that do them right stronger.

“You all may not like the insurance inspections, don’t do them or do them wrong, it only makes others that do them right stronger.”

John, I disagree, if they’re not going to do them right they shouldn’t do them at all. It makes us all look bad.