Wind Mitigation Non Glazed Garage Door

What would be your selection on the wind mitigation report for a garage door with the following findings? Home is 500 ft from the ocean on the east coast of Flagler County.

On page 3 select N. The door install is wind rated, but not impact rated.



N is if it appears rated but unable to verify or other protection that does not meet A,B, or, C. If it is wind load rated you would mark it as D. If it is Impact you would mark it as A. If this county is in the HVHZ it will need to be verified impact or it doesnt matter either way. If it was recently installed the homeowner should have the paperwork or you could call the installer to get the NOA of the product installed. I would recommend that they send it to you by email so that there is a papertrail showing that they stated what they installed.

Yeah, I was going to say, I would mark it as a D. I have in fact done that quite a few times on the doors with the wind load rating stickers.

I have yet to find anything impact rated in my area doing a wind mit. I have seen impact rated windows on a couple super high end homes I’ve done full inspections on but didn’t need to investigate the wind worthiness.

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Sorry guys. I was thinking D but somehow screwed up . . .


If anyone is interested, here’s the label from my impact rated garage door.