Roofs can also meet the Miami-Dade building code
I don’t know that I would call it a “State-certified” inspection anymore.
Possibly, a “qualified inspection.”
I would point out that the garage and other opening should be covered by Impact Rated devices, including Impact rated garage doors. Most people(including inspectors) do not understand Impact rated vs. Wind rated, there is a huge difference. They do make a garage door with windows that is Impact Rated. Just my opinion, though. I hope this helps. More
article looks good-remember wall construction type…ie- wood vs. re/un enforced masonary makes a big difference on whether the underwriter insures the home as a superior construction type or not. many people overlook this but it can affect the premium substantially. as for opening protection-skylights and glass block windows are usually a deal breaker-these need to be verified. overall looks good
Glass block is now considered a Concrete Masonry unit(FBC) and does not need to be shuttered
Secondary Water Barrier should may be changed to “Secondary Water Resistance (SWR)”.
Foam insulation is not the same as “Foam SWR Barrier”
Good article though.
as far as the hvhz is concerned- section 1626.1a, FBC, Building Volume(2007) provides; All parts or systems of a building or structure envelope, such as, but not limited, to exterior walls, roof, outside doors, skylights, glazing and glass block shall meet impact test criteria or be protected with an external protection device that meets impact test criteria. Test procedures to determine resistance to wind-borne debris of wall cladding, outside doors, skylights, glazing, glass block, shutters and any other external protection devices shall be performed in accordance with this section.
Wind Mitigation is not a code inspection. What the code requires and Office of Insurance regulation are two very different things. This is one of the biggest reason for problems.
the mitigation requirements use the florida building code as the standard for roofing and opening requirements. The new form actually goes a step further. The msfh training manual as well as the fbc consciders glass block a glazed opening and requires protection by an approved device set forth by the fbc. If there is something new i am not aware of please refer me to the source.
MSFH considers Glass Block that has been installed with mortar as a masonry unit and is considered protected, whereas the plastic units with sillycone caulk require protection
MSFH has left a link to all MSFH certified inspectors for the insurance companies to verifiy.
They are called inactive inspectors and the latest expiration date on the inspector list is 6/30/2009.
bruce, is there anywhere i can read that about the glass block?
MSFH changed this the last year of the program along with OSB. Glass block is also listed in the FBC under Concrete masonry unit. The best way to learn what the insurance companies are looking for is to take a class. The 1802 form is written by the Office of Insurace Regulation(OIR-B1-1802) not the consrtuction boards. Right or wrong it is their form. The changes and problems occurred because of the two differnet entities. You used to be able to build a house that meets current codes but does not meet the insurance discount requirments. They are slowly getting to gether and making it more consistent.
The MSFH training treated glass block differently depending on whether or not it was in the HVHZ (Miami/Dade). Inside the HVHZ glass blocks are considered openings and not counted as openings outside the HVHZ
gable vents too,huh?
according to universal property and casualty underwriting department, glass block needs to be protected unless it is impact rated(and proper documentation required), Gable vents,however, do not need to be covered. note- they were vague about the gable vents and told me they reccomended protection if the vents were large-not specific on size. I spoke with them today and verified these items.
And this is going to be the problem in FL for some time to come. Each and every Insurance carrier is going to have their own little matrix for their underwriters to follow when trying to decide what and whom they will cover. The 24 year old newly college graduated underwriters will not know their asses from apple butter about home construction, components, terminology and you will be explaining yourselves and your findings every time you encounter one of this lovely creatures. It is already happening. It seems every time FL gets its fingers into something it gets so screwed up no one can get a screwdriver on the end of it after they are done because it is so fanged up no one understands it anymore, least of all the high heelers and politicians who created it.
Oh please Doug, tell me that isn’t so :twisted:
Getting back to cases, there is no corrolation what so ever between Florida building code, the former MSFH (RIP) and what the insurance entities want to see.
As to the glass block issue, it’s a mine field as there are several standard of block and many methods of installation, some reinforced and some not
I think Doug summed it up best