Why is it OK for Nick to refer to NAHI as a scumbag association? The blanket statement means that all their members are scumbags, right?
Erol, I’ve said many times that there are fine ethical inspectors in Scumbag NAHI that don’t bribe REALTORs and don’t sell repair services to correct defects that they find on their own inspections as their Scumbag association’s ridiculously titled “Code of Ethics” shamefully permits.
Man…I am LOST on this one…am I a scumbag? man, I am all confused !
Paul you aren’t the only one LOST.
I’ve been trying to figure out who or who not is a scum bag to nick.
After reading several post I think I got it figured out.
It’s real simple, As close a I can figure it out it’s kinda like confessing in church, say your hail marys, leave a few $s behind and all is well.
With nick…If you don’t think the same way as nick , just pay nick to be certified and poof you are not a scum bag, if you don’t pay him, LOOK OUT, your not forgiven and you never know when you’ll join all the other scum bags:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
You are one sorry despicable human being. You don’t ever let a chance go by to criticize Nick, or Nachi.
Well this time you have Bowman on your side. Hip Hip Hooray! You are still one sorry despicable human being
For our weak sisters, this is a kinder gentler version.
Quote: Originally Posted by jbowman The “Freedom is untidy” tag fits perfectly. Unfortunately its brought us a*** “scumbag” bulletin board*** coveted and responded on by “scumbag” posters. End Quote
This is simple. Everyone who posts on the NACHI BB is included in this blanket statement.
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: I was talking about scum bags…
Did you recently pay your dues??
Is this the thread that we can make a complaint about Dan Harris?
I vote that we charge Dan .05 cents for every post he makes! </IMG>
The one thing that I do not agree on about this BB is that they let you come on and criticize and ridicule NACHI and Nick over and over again. I would have run you off long ago.
It is obvious that your sole purpose is to come and criticize NACHI as an association, ridicule Nick as a person and slander any and all who defend NACHI or our fellow members!
It is interesting to see that those who are trying to set up there own little kingdoms are encouraging you to do so. They not only encourage you, they also back up your attacks on NACHI, Nick, and those loyal to NACHI.
What a bunch of self promoting disloyal back stabbers.
For our weak sisters, this is a kinder gentler version.
Damm, there goes the Mr. Congeniality award.
Mario… I heard from a reliable source that nick loves this BS…
The exact works were “to Nick this bb is his own personnal Jerry Springer show” …
Heck I got a green box… stating … give them hel* Dan… yesterday, I think it was from nick:p
I’m just waiting for mr crayola to offer to come to az and whoop my butt like he threatned JB a few weeks back:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Paul, of course you are not a scumbag. You just have scumbag and dirtbag confused. :mrgreen: or was that golfbag? :mrgreen:
Nice try pea brain. I never threaten. Your glaring simplistic attempts to bait me into threatening you have failed:roll: . What a pathetic little man you are. You are not the sharpest pencil in the box are you!:|.)
Is there an official NACHI position on Seahags yet?
Such a fine, upstanding example of professionalism from a chapter president, ESOP committee member, member of NACHI, and representative of ALL things professional…:raised:
Thank you for being a shining star.
No pencils… got a few crayons though:mrgreen: :mrgreen:
On a serious note… a few days ago I had the chance to view some posts in the MO area… I have to agree with my buddy RR…
Frank you REALLY need some counseling…
I for one am a PROUD member of NACHI, and I am PROUD to call Nick Gromicko my friend. I make no apologies
Apparently you have not kept up with all of Dan Harris’s posts. He is a non member and is constantly on this BB slandering NACHI as an association and slandering Nick as our founder.
When you are a “Guest” in someone’s home you do not attack the head of the household, attack and slander family members over, and over , and over again without expecting a like minded response.
When it comes to this “man” if you turn the other cheek as we have done many, many times all he does is take it for a sign of weakness and slap continuously slap you in the face.
I and many others are sick and tired of his slanderous attacks We have had enough.
Why don’t you research his posts, then you will see the source of my disgust and anger.
I state once again, I am a PROUD member of NACHI, and I am PROUD to call Nick Gromicko my friend. I make no apologies.
How the hell did you get into the Members only section?
You remind me of some cartoon character…oh that’s right the skunk Pepe La pew…You just never know when to quit. Looney tunes at it’s best…lol.
Maybe you need to get laid or something, that’s if you can get your nose out of nicks arse. In fact most of you over aged under sexed “A” holes need to get some I suspect.