With regard to the lunatics (myself included) on this message board...


Don’t let this guy spoil your night!!

I was visiting a member, that hasn’t renewed in almost 3 years and is no longer inspecting.:roll: :roll: :roll: ] close as anybody can tell there is no rule about allowing a non member to read posts on a members computer, members just cannot give the pass word out…:slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Not really.

Can’t wait to see Google pick up that type of congeniality for all to see.

When I first became a member of NACHI… I expressed to
Nick that I had a problem with a personal business issue.

As I emailed back and forth with Nick a few times, he offered
to supply the solution. I did not ask Nick, he did it without me

Then Nick told me not to mention what he did. So I cannot
disclose the help he gave me, although I would like to tell

When I came on this forum, I noticed that Nick took a lot of
cheap shots from people and did not punish members with an
immediate ban or cancel their membership to NACHI.

I was very impressed by Nick’s big shoulders. There are very
few men in a position of leadership that would respond like
Nick does. I’m just telling you what I have seen.

Nick has turned around and talked with kindness to those
who have flamed him many times. That is a rare quality.
I like that in a man.

There are some men that rise above the rest and make it
look easy. There are some that linger around their ankles
taking little snaps at their heals time after time. I can
see the winners in life. I can see the losers.

Nick can be a lunatic too, when he gets a mind too, so I
am not painting him as a saint. But, when it’s over, he will
be the first one to put out his hand and say lets be friends.

I’m just telling you what I have seen. NACHI excels because
NACHI attracks lunatics with good hearts and men that don’t
give up. Lets all work together and pull together.

I just had someone send me a private message and I told
them that we may disagree, but I am still open to be their
friend. I gave them my personal phone number and told them
to call me whenever they needed someone to talk to.

I like NACHI, Nick, and this lunatic forum…

I have disagreed with Nick a few times on this forum, but
I do not fear loosing his support when I do… thats a
good feeling that lets you build something that will last.
We can all build that together, if we choose to.

NO serious…over 4,000+ posts helping members and we are scumbags…really I am confused here:)…should I just leave along with others who help out here and go to another forum…we can do that you know…man I am confused.( not really )


P.S…you DO know I am kidding right…I love NACHI…lool…man no one gets my humor

Duh, Dan. :mrgreen:

He uses crayons. They are safer then sharp pencils. :mrgreen:

It only gets worse the most posts you have. I’m cutting down on my posts here, but I’m helping 108 registered Users with marketing over here.

lol…You know we are all loved…only take my electrical posts as serious…


I visited your site “Admiral Ray”!!!

I’m in the process of starting my own site [MB]I will keep you guys informed. And I’m also thinking of starting my own Home Inspection Association when I’m ready I will post here.

Isn’t NACHI great, we can use it as a vehicle to promote our own agendas.!!!

Admiral Ray you are a class act, keep doing what your doing.

I’m done here Scotty, beam me up!!

Mario… I hear that there is a highly respected Crayola guy with great credentials, that you cannot buy anywhere, from back east that is desperately trying to be an Executive Director of a HI association. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Who knows if you pay him enough he may even accept the position of BB moderator to erase name calling and cussing on your BB:D :smiley: :smiley:

lol…ahhh… I don’t see where John called anyone anything…lol…I think it was taken the wrong way…he posts here also so I doubt he would call himeself a ScumBag…lol…It is all in fun…

My wife call’s me WORSE things when I come home late…


You crack me up!!!

Good morning!!

If you are referring to Frank…Well I’m proud to call him a fellow NACHI member and who knows one day we will meet and I’m sure that we will be friends.

Apart from the language that he uses [even though to me it shows passion] I admire his convictions. Maybe a little of Frank’s beliefs should rub off on some of the back stabbing members and non- members alike. Especially the one’s that use this MB for personal gain and I’m not talking about Vender’s.

Ray will post cheap shots at people here, then he uses this forum to
promote his forum… Thanks Ray.

Ray calls himself “ADMIRAL” at his forum and will ban anyone taking
cheap shots and using his forum to take away his members to
another forum. BUT… It’s OK… he is the “ADMIRAL”.

The only person Ray is helping is Ray… with any method he can…LOL

Come on over to “ADMIRAL” Ray’s forum and Ray will sell you a
chance to be listed on his mega directory… other people exchange links
for free… but “ADMIRAL” Ray sells his low traffic site listings for $$$$.

Thanks Ray, it’s nice you are here to help so many, while seeking to
diminish this forum, talking bad about people here, and on your other forum
you claim to be helping so many at the same time. Thanks.

Ray even invites his other members to come over here and assist
him in a strategy to get people to move to HIS forum and escape
this bad place. Ray is here to help us… :mrgreen:

Ray will not allow you to do all this at his site, no sir!!! But it’s
OK for Ray to do it here. Ray is here to help us. Thanks Ray.

You are a legend in your own mind.


Mario… Who stays here for very long that doesn’t become a vendor? :roll: :roll:

This MB for personal gain?? Glad I don’t fall in that category, I just come here for my daily dose of the HI version of the “Jerry Springer show” and go else where for my personal gain… :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

BINGO!! You’re correct Paul. For those that wish to take Carrio’s interpretation to heart, you are sadly mistaken.

#1 - I do not hate Nick. This statement alone was so ludricous that I didn’t even think I needed to reply. The only hatred that truly exists is Carrio’s toward me, and several others. He’s shown his hatred towards, Gerry, Russel, Paul, John, Dan, Carla, Wendy, Todd, Dave, and oh so many more.

#2 - Starting another association - Yeah right. To do what? Compete against NACHI, ASHI, and NAHI. Not on your best day. Perhaps I should let everyone in on a secret. One of the primary reasons that I fought so hard against the alleged NACHIGate taping was for one simple reason. I was told that I was on a tape on a certain time at a certain place. Well “bull”. I could hardly speak, and my voice was nearly gone while in Florida. On the night in question I was in bed really early. When the accusors were made aware of that fact, they retracted and said, well you weren’t on the tape, but others were. So you see it wasn’t me, never was, and never will be. I have no aspirations of starting another association. NACHI is enough for me.

#3 - Start a new bulletin board - Ahh…I don’t see the problem here. I personally belong to nearly 20 bulletin boards. By the way if you check the memberslist of the NHITI bb you will see that it was created in 2005. Hardly new. It started out as a Legislative bb, moved on to a Canadian bb, and has now progressed into a NHITI bb. Each bb offers me something different and has established itsself as a source of information.

You see folks this is simple…We have a troublemaker amongst us. One that exhibits bias and hatred and sits on our Ethics Committee. Not NACHI’s Ethics Committee, but ours. I urge everyone who is reading this to take a stance and let your voices be heard. I for one think that he should resign from the ESOP committee. There is no way that he could ever render a fair and unbiased opinion. In addition I find it disturbing that he holds himself above the COE. In particular NACHI COE 3.3. Join me in requesting for either his resignation or removal from the ESOP. Show him that the NACHI membership will not turn the other cheek, instead we will face him straight on and address his hatred, stalking, and misrepresentation of truths.

If you are apprehensive of posting in fear of being targeted by this scumbag, just send me an email and I’ll post your concerns after removing your email address, etc.

Did everyone notice that I didn’t need to use foul language on this open part of the bb.

Your performance on the forum’s “Jerry Springer show” has been noted.

What they don’t know Dan, is that Nick is really half of the posters that come to this board, and the others like you and me Nick pays to come here and speak out, really gets the “hits” up - Ingenious really.:slight_smile:


You have to admit that you did started the flame blazing with
your first posting directed at Nick:

Bowman Quote:
The “Freedom is untidy” tag fits perfectly. Unfortunately its brought us
a “scumbag” bulletin board coveted and responded on by “scumbag”

It was naive on your part to think you could post such pointed
comments without some kind of response, no?

Your original comments reveal your contempt for what you feel
the bulletin board has turned into… and your comments were
addressed at Nick.

It is obvious that you were letting Nick know you do not like
the way he (Nick) has allowed the forum to become so “free”
that it has descended into a place of “scumbags”.

Your comments were indeed a swipe at Nicks “freedom” comments,
and your frustration with certain scumbags.

I feel your comments were within your right to say and it did
no damage to Nick… it was no big deal to him, I’m sure.

But you provoked your beloved adversary, Frank, and you gave
him a perfect opportunity to say similar things that I just said…
but Frank added about 500 degrees more flame to his comments,
because you and him have already had disagreements before.

On your behalf, I must say that Frank over-reacted. I know
Frank felt the “slight” sting you were pointing toward Nick
in your comments… but because of previous engagements,
Frank went directly into a full “shock and awe” mode attack.

Relax Frank.

You got to love Frank for his zeal to protect NACHI and Nick…

I suggest that you avoid the plan to collect all the emails
from disgruntled people who want a public hanging of Frank… it
may come back to bite you.

There is a mocking group of non-members who would love to
have your endorsement of how bad NACHI is. You will become
the trumpet piece of those who will diminish your reputation
of honor.

You have now gone into your “shock and awe” mode with a
call for a public lynching of Frank… You did it all without using
curse words, but you and Frank look just alike anyway…

Frank and John… your response please.? :stuck_out_tongue: