Trying to figure out what photos NEED to be included on 4 Points. I’ve looked at many 4 Points on inspector’s websites and there are many items that appear on some 4 Point examples and not others.
Please let me know what you commonly leave off this list OR- what is missing for you - thanks.
4 elevation photos
water shut-off
condenser / label
handler / label
lateral/overhead service mast
electrical panel dead front on
panel dead front off
gfci around house
gfci exterior
afci breakers
water heater / label / tpr
all sinks / traps
3 roof pics
fuel tanks
Take a look at the Tower Hill requirements, they have a good basic list of the photos needed on their form.
Roof pix
All under sink plumbing
Laundry connections
Water heater & TPR valve
Panel, with cover on & opened to show brand
Panel, Interior view
HVAC units
HVAC data plates
Michael download on NACHI John Shishilla’s forms. There is a form on there listing photo requirements. Also what Dominic listed above is correct all above items that are not listed in Red.
DO NOT USE THE NACHI form unless you want to piss away your time and money. Use your own form then offer the citizens form. I sell it all day at $150 my own from $100 to $125 include photos UNLABELED. Tell clients insurance companies may ask for additional info and if you MUST revisit they must pay you. IT HAS NEVER HAPPENED TO ME. Base your picture requirements on citizens form plus include washer hookup I also include every sink and toilet connection to fluff it for the insurance idiots to prove I looked------plus elevation shots. . GFCI crap NOT necessary. I have done a ton with almost NO PROBLEMS. None not easily fixed.
The Citizens form requires even less…if you know how to “Make it work”! :mrgreen:
I use the Citizens form, which is incorporated into my home inspection software. Which means, that as required with the Citizens form, all deficiency photos are included, along with descriptions.
For those that do stand alone four-points and want to use the Citizens form, it is attached. No charge. Click the empty space above the labels to insert pictures.
You are welcome!
Added with edit: This will also comply with the Tower hill requirements as I included them.
Meeker, I always see you saying use your own form. I have been using NACHI form, and I tend to agree with you that it is more than needs to be. I would like to make my own, but don’t really know how to go about that. Any suggestions?
I have the State Farm form built into my software as well. If someone wants one, it is 25 bucks less than a comprehensive home inspection. I dream of those inspections!
I have been using the NACHI from John S. And haven’t had any kicked back yet. The agents I work for love the form. And I know other frown on this form, but I really like this form, My opinion
Travis Call me anytime after 10am and before 7pm and do not listen to eric he is a fool or ole JS both piss away time and money and even thinks licensing is a great thing. My forms NEVER have any issues. The less info the better for your client and the quicker you can do. If the insurance companies paid me I would have a different opinion but they are NOT my client.
That simply isn’t the case. There are cases right now where the inspector “did what he thought would help the client”, which is fine and good, until the insurance company sends out their own guy. Now, we are talking about litigation. Is that something anyone wants?
Don’t believe me…ask Bill Seigel as he has dealt with this issue.
And to set the record straight, I never piss away time or money. Everything I do is geared to generate business. I have done “free” permit searches for individuals and found problems. You know what happened next? I got referrals from them and their friends.
I may not agree with John, Preston, or Russell all of the time, but I do agree with this: Our business is about building relationships and doing the right thing the first time. Anything else to me, is unacceptable.
I have had to “straighten out” or inform clients of several inspectors that what they did, in the short term, may have helped, but eventually, things have a way of working themselves out, usually to the detriment of the client.
Bla Bla Bla I do not do anything dishonest I just give them “the assholes what they say they want” Nothing more. Giving more f’s the client most of the time. I do tell them that the insurance can send their own guys at anytime and I even tell them if I think anything might get looked at differently from their guys but I do my best to help my client and that is NOT the Insurance Pricks, Most of the time. When It is I look out for their best interest. I never do anything unethical and I always try to help those who pay the bill. You do not pay the bill I do not care about you is my attitude. OH and I all the time get calls saying my insurance agent recommended you
Just a note - Neither the Citizens nor Tower Hill reports ask for a picture of the panel box with the cover off - Only with the door open. Nor do they ask for the water heater label.
It really hurts my eyes sometimes to read your posts! :mrgreen:
Giving the client all of the information, in writing, the first time, saves them headaches later on.
Why you can’t grasp that is beyond my comprehension.
Now, before you really go off the rails…I tell my clients here is the four-point inspection. Fix all of this stuff with licensed people, give me a call and I can fit you in when I am near you,I’ll check everything out and I can give you a “clean” four-point. Again, no charge. That is helping your client.
It is why I don’t charge 75-125 dollars for a four point. My fee covers return trips and my clients are more than happy to pay once.
It all goes to verification.
If you take a picture of the water heater data plate and it says 2008, on the form where you check updated in 2008, there is your proof.
Same goes with the panel cover. You checked copper wiring. There is the picture of the breaker panel, with the cover off and the copper wiring.