America dodged a bullet today :)

Good grief. Another Jeff that just will never get it.

Scary black weapons that “look” like military weapons but aren’t have never been the problem.

Deranged individuals are the problem.

Multiple weapons of destruction are available to them.

Didn’t the events in Boston this week prove that?

Of course you have to be awake.

Jeff, it’s not the background checks I’m opposed to… I don’t want the government to do them! That kind of defeats the purpose of the 2nd amendment… no?

The government already violates the current background check law.

They are not supposed to have a database of gun registrants.

That they do is easily proven.

I wouldn’t be opposed to a background check if it stopped at that, but we know that’s not the case.

I don’t want criminals to have guns. Will a background check prevent that? Absolutely not. How many criminals obtained their weapons by purchasing them from a dealer or gun show? Few, if any.

If the government does background checks, next they’ll try outlawing guns that look a certain way, or limiting the size of the clips you can own, or require yet another license to carry your own gun in your own pocket. Oh wait… too late.

When guns are outlawed, then Only Outlaws will have guns. The govt is too stupid to see the real problem, which is not guns, it’s people.


Funny how many are considering this a victory. The vote was 54-46 in favor of the measure. The only reason that it needed 60 votes was to avoid a filibuster. Strange that Reid took this approach after watering down the filibuster rules in january. He could have had his way by not requiring the super majority vote. Simply allowing the opposition the opportunity to propose amendments to the bill negates their right to filibuster. Shoot down the proposed amendments and the vote can then be passed by a simple majority.

This is politics at its finest. Our 2nd amendment rights are no safer now then before the vote. It is just a matter time before these gutless wonders push through their agenda and continue to chip away at these and other rights.

A Freakend Mend
The fools will never see the light till folks like Mr. Pope and I have to risk our a s s e s to save theirs. Which unfortunately I know I would.

The “government” is not stupid - this is all by design. All they need is the support of stupid people.

Yep as I have said for years.

THE MASSES ARE A S S E S there’s no doubt about it. If not how on earth did Obama get elected again?

Jeff, Keep in mind that most people against common sense measures:

  1. Are afraid the Government is going to come & take away all their firearms.
  2. Are afraid the black helicopters will be landing in their front yard any day now to take them away.
  3. Listen to the likes of Rush Limbaugh & believe every word he say’s.
  4. Voted for Mitt Romney.

They are far removed from what the mainstream American thinks & believes. The truth of the matter is, if most of them were to have an encounter with a nut case with a firearm, chances are they would s hit their pants before they would pull out a gun & shoot, most have no idea what kind of mental hunting’s they would have if they were to take the life of another person. Even well trained people have hesitation when faced with the reality of taking the life of another.

It’s easy to sit behind the computer & be a bad ***, but reality is a different story.

I encourage everyone to watch this POS terrorist video to the end and try to take something away from it.

There is some truth in there Kevin. I know for myself that being shot at never really rattled me for some reason. But being shot did. I cried like a baby.

But a gun doesn’t have to kill someone to stop them. Most of the time it doesn’t even have to discharge. Merely brandishing a gun works 99% of the time… just fine.

I’m glad you made it out alive Nick.

Many don’t.

As far as merely brandishing a gun goes, only if your in a knife fight, and in today’s world, at least in our country, that is a rarity

Yeah,I made it out of Philadelphia… LOL

Kevin would deny a women the chance to defend herself from a rapist.

That is where continued chipping away of 2nd amendment rights leads.

That is your stinky brand of common sense,

Kevin you are a fool and I hope no one you love or know one you know dies because of it. Could you live with yourself? You have the ability and choice to protect yourself and them and you choose not to.

Go to the link monthly and maybe you will see the light. I hope for those yopu love you do.

Protect yourseld=f or watch those you love violated and die before you eyes.

I hate to be crude but you and a great many others need to wake the f u c k up and realize no one will save you when the s h i t hits the fan or someone come kicking in your door. Wake up for those you love.

I wish I could say I do not wish to offend but I do because maybe someone will wake up and not be a victim. Seriously your life and those you love are in your hands. To not be prepared is follish and only the innocent will suffer. You will just have to live with the fact that you could have stopped it but instead stuck you head in the sand and had a It won’t happen to me attitude.

I care so much about my loved ones I could not go on if something happened and I was there and did nothing to stop it. Live your lives as you wish but remember if the worst happens you have to still live your lives.

I myself could no.

Mike, show me where I ever said that or anything referring to that.

This is typical of the BS that some believe & of the scare mongering they continue to spread.

Kevin, hot crimes (where the criminals know you are home and break in anyway) are common in other countries. Why not here? Why do criminals take so much care to make sure you aren’t home before they break in to steal your flat screen TV while you safely eat dinner at the restaurant? I’ll tell you why. Criminals don’t know who has the guns and who doesn’t. Innocent people get hurt over TV sets during hot crimes. Guns deter hot crimes. Even when there isn’t a gun in the home. That’s how well guns work to save lives.

Kevin what is your plan when someone come kicking in your door.

I do not know if you have a family but if you do what is the plan if it happens and you are not there?