America dodged a bullet today :)

Even if I were to buy your line of thinking, do you believe the government has the right to take away my right to even have a fighting chance? Whether I soil myself or not, I should have the absolute right to do so with a weapon at the ready.

If I choose to NOT use, or if I am too petrified to use it, that’s on me. But when there’s a bad guy with a gun, everyone - and I mean EVERYONE (including you) - wants a good-guy-with-a-gun to protect them.

Allowing only law-enforcement and government officials to carry weapons limits your chances of having a good-guy-with-a-gun there when you need them.

Granted, the chances are slim that any of us will encounter this type of violence in our lifetime, but tell that to the Newtown families and then ask them - would you have wanted a good-guy-with-a-gun in the school that day?

Mike, I’m not offended so feel free to fire away. I appreciate your concern but as far as lives being in my hands, I can only do so much and besides, I prefer to let God take care of that, as he has mine many times in the past.

Now, who said I was not prepared, where do you guy’s come up with this BS?

Mike, an airplane could land on your house tonight, you might get struck by lightning in your front yard, you may have a head on collision with a drunk driver tomorrow, A tire from a truck heading in the opposite direction may fly through your windshield, there may be an explosion near your home, etc, etc, etc. Are you prepared if one of these events happens to you? Now ask yourself, how much more likely are one of these scenarios to happen than having a nut case randomly break down your door. If I had to guess, I’d say about the same.

I might be killed in a crash tomorrow, I drive a suburban & feel safe, but there are much larger vehicles on the road than mine. I don’t live my life worrying about getting shot or someone breaking into my house - Take note, I didn’t say I wasn’t prepared, I just don’t waste my life worrying about something that might happen.

I hope your foot is healing okay & you’ll be back to work soon.

To leave women with only their fists and screams as their sole defense against more aggressive, larger, stronger males… is sexism at its worst.

Pro-gun control = Pro-rape.

I bet even those parents who lost a child that day con not honestly answer anything other than yes.

To say different would mean that they did not care about their childs life. I cannon imagine any feel that way.

All it would have took is one person with a CWP to return fire and the piece of s hi t coward would have fled. I can ALMOST guarantee it.

Go ahead someone tell me ai am wrong. I’d love to hear this one.

Excellent point Mike, and one I never thought of. Why aren’t reporters asking those parents that hypothetical: * If you could have been there that day to protect your child (while a madman was slaughtering your child’s classmates)… would you rather have been armed or unarmed?*

I agree with your point Nick, 300 million guns is a great deterrent for the common criminal. :smiley:

PS. Nobody is taking guns away nor has it been talked about, pondered or written down anywhere. :smiley:

Jeff, I agree with you 100%. But what does a good guy with a gun have to do with requiring background checks for all firearm purchases. If you go to Walmart you have to have a background check, but if you go online or to a gun show you don’t. That just doesn’t make sense.

Nobody is talking about or has talked about taking firearms away from good guys, with exception of the NRA with their lies & scare mongering.

Did you watch the video I posted earlier?

The first 1/2 of the sentence makes no sense to me either. The 2nd amendment is designed to thwart tyranny, yet the background checks are being done by the government. You’re right, it makes no sense.

It would be tooooo offensive to ask one who lost a child.

I doubt those who are now against our rights and lost a child could bring themselves to speak the truth. That would hurt the cause they now think they should believe in :frowning: sad but true. If I were nearby I would have charged ahead to save the children without regard unfortunately for my own families well being. This I assure you. Gun free zones are predator hunting zones. That is why I pay them no mind. Go ahead convict me. If I save one kid I would sleep well in my cell at night.

People on the left are fearful of people with guns, seems like a good enough reason to me to buy them.:stuck_out_tongue:

So your GOD just felt those kids deserved to die…Really would you feel that way if it was you kids. That is straight up blasphemy. How can you even say that it makes me sick to my stomach.

Thanks for the well wishes to me it is appreciated. I just hope I can bring you to see the light before it is too late. I honestly do not want to offend you just to wake you up.

A gun is just a tool to put down a threat to your family, like a fire extinguisher is a tool to put down a thread to your family.

Would you think it crazy to have a fire extinguisher on hand?

I am a Phillies fan Nick.

Before getting in the home inspection game, I worked in mental health for 20 years. I started and ran a facility for troubled kids. It was full service, full family wrap around. I did all of my own after hours crisis with my families…24 hours a day. Like many of you I have seen some things, had a gun to my head more than once and many other experiences that finally brought me here. I loved the work and the people. I understand them and what the issues they face are. Many are self-directed, many are not. I have guns and I believe in the death penalty. Charlie Manson has been hanging around way too long in my opinion. I dont think I am better than anyone and you would feel that in how I treated you. I don’t think someone is an idiot until they prove to me that they are. And then, I am still going to treat them with a level of respect. I believe people are generally good. After all , we all start the same and we will leave the same way. I have no fear about that. Crime simply pisses me off. It is perpetrated by people who once were good people. I don’t sit here worrying about being prepared. I agree that I would have to know someone is coming to be able to use a gun in defense. It is not realistic to think otherwise. I don’t spend a second fearing my government. I am disappointed that a specific group of people, in a specific tax bracket make all of the decisions in this country. I am not Democrat or Rep. I am probably more socially liberal and a fiscal conservative.

I don’t think we need to be shooting our way out of anything. Do I think it is Kim Jung and Dumb’s time…yes, very soon. But I feel badly for his people. My sister in-law is Korean. I have a perspective. Throw those folks some internet connection and some food and he would be done. By the hands of his own people.

I get that the criminals have guns thing. I pay taxes for military and cops. We tie their hands. Let them loose a little more. Lets attack the issue with a little more effort and see where we go. Gun enthusiasts were once children, have children. We can’t keep having kids getting killed like this. Deranged people don’t always start that way. How many factory shootings have we had? Anyone can go into mental health crisis. It is within all of you…all of us. It just takes a traumatic event. I would rather deal with someone who only has 6 shots and can’t shoot, than someone who has a high capacity magazine and can’t shoot. And why not register. You register your vehicle. It is just as deadly. You have no issue with that.

I could care less about second amendment rights for me or for you. I care more about the right to be and feel safe and enjoy a peaceful existence. I don’t need to carry a gun or need to own them to feel that. Incidently, my guns were given to me and never leave storage. I keep them out of respect for those who gave them to me. Life is too short to worry about my government trying to take over my whatever. They already do. We haven’t had a solid President or candidate (in my estimation) for a years. Nixon was better than some of these guys!! I am disheartened with all elected officials. Not because they don’t vote my way…but because they don’t do the will of the people. They take care of themselves and their friends on a national and local level. I have grown to hate politics. I am not being served well as a tax payer in this country. Money dictates way too much. The financial and social divide will be our undoing and send freaks to your homes to steal. You will get one or two, but eventually, it will all be Flint, Michigan and Escape from New York all rolled into one. I doubt too many of you are Snake Pliskin. Unless we take care of the greater issues and demand that of our leaders, this will all continue.

I try to make a little difference everyday. No matter who I encounter or what they look like. Even, if it is just holding a darn door for someone. That is my approach. Connect with people. Treat them well. Even if I hate that loud A$% Harley and their baggy pants and the Marb they are smoking or the little Too Fast, Too Furious wannabe rice burner they are annoying me with. All behavioral, even on my part. I just treat them well.

I enjoy debate by the way. I love a good point being made and the debate that follows. It is healthy and dialog is how stuff happens for the good. I get that people love their guns. But we have a real problem cooking here and I feel like the gun lobby is in a room, holding a gun, in the dark, looking in all directions, just waiting to shoot someone instead of figuring out how to turn the damn lights on. I get that too. But they need to get to the table with some real change that doesn’t include arming more people. Gun owners like to call themselves responsible. All of the guys I know are. Am sure you all are too. Arming lots more people in the form of teachers, not responsible. So what else do you have? You aren’t going to lose your 2d amendment right. Just not going to happen. Even someone like me, who doesn’t care about it, would not let that happen.

I’m so pleased that you threw the “deranged” into the argument. Better have a deranged person surrounded by good people with guns than to have a deranged person like Stalin or Hitler be surrounded by an unarmed citizenry.

You are willing to step on the slippery slope.

I want nothing to do with your common sense.

Then you are a statistical mass murderer. Since the last massacre, there have been 16 instances where an armed citizens discharged their entire weapon (ran out of magazine capacity) while defending themselves against a criminal. It tally’s up fast.

Guns and magazine capacity are a mathematical blessing to the innocent (in that they protect and save the innocent more than they kill the innocent).

The left and Obama say the Senate overruled the will of the American people on gun control. They say 90% agree with tougher gun registration. BS, they acted on the will of the people for the first time in a long time and the way guns and ammo flew off the shelves and NRA membership has grown is proof of it. I’m sick of this President lying to get his way.

Finally a little bit of truth from the victim disarming crowd. Read it a second time people, that is the most widely held belief and well kept secret of gun-control advocates everywhere. It isn’t spoken of often because it conflicts with everything else the gun-control crowd believes. Kevin alludes to it when he mocks 2nd amendment supporters with visions of black helicopters, but Jeff has finally said it. ***The utopia is here, our leaders and neighbors want only our good! ***

“We have to curb the violence in our country using gun laws, but we are a civilized and evolved society which has no fear of tyranny or mob violence.” Those two statements couldn’t be more opposites. The government is full of civilized and “evolved” criminals. Knowing we have weapons keeps them in check from a great distance.

The reality is that people in every walk of life are bad, and groups of people can be even worse. Katrina wasn’t that long ago, and the LA riots were not too long before that. Even hurricane Sandy had its share of looters, and those are the kinder, gentler examples. Read and learn utopian dreamers.

Background checks will not curb gun violence. However, if it were to stop at just a background check, I would support that measure. The reality is, this is just a form of creating a database of gun owners. I live in the state of Feinstein, so I can tell you with 100% certainty, the end game is to disarm the citizens of the state. Feinstein is a reflection of the current administration, although much more extreme.

However (again), this vote was nothing but a political strategy that failed for Obama. This vote, by design, was supposed to pass in the Senate and fail in the House. The administration knew it no chance in he!! to have this bill pass in the House, which would have been their mantra for the 2014 elections. “Those evil Republicans in the House want your children to die by gun fire.”

This would be their war cry to ensure Dems would be voted in and take over the House.

His plan failed - pure and simple.