B Dry installed their interior system here...

Stick around, Mark. You’re doin’ fine here…

Most of us appreciate you sharing your knowledge and helping people out with their basement water leakage problems…not to mention the music offerings. :slight_smile:

Don’t worry about the naysayers.

Mr Larry, ok! Thank you sir. :wink:

Worker accused of jewelry theft

…Inside system company, Aquaproof… on there website it says, ‘We are Cincinnati’s most honest, reliable waterproofing company’… yeah, sure sure.
And this isn’t the first story of its kind eh.

‘Bad site work contractor’

If THIS guy doing the video did not locate/determine the exact problem(s) of where the water was entering, and then fix them, then this basement like many others will still leak.
Yeah sure sure sure, the grade may have been too high and water may have been entering through 1+ basement windows but its quite possible there are 1 or more exterior cracks etc in the block wall and THIS is what he/anyone needs to deduce, and then fix… duh!!@!!!

Homeowners or interior system companies, this is NOT ‘waterproofing’, this will not stop water, mold, efflorescence on block walls, duh!!
Dimpled membrane etc, yes siree, many love to cover/hide the basement walls

Drain tile, ‘waterproof basement’? NOPE.

Bad waterproofing 2… nailing dimpled membrane on block walls, complete I d I o zzz

There’s always some homeowners who try and save a couple hundred $ and get bs’d by ALL kinds of CHUMPS.
There’s also likely NO hydraulic cement that was applied on/over exterior cracks as well as no thick tar etc

Amazing, interior basement systems using dimpled membrane on inside walls (hiding the walls, cracks, water, mold) and some using this crap on the outside walls, nailing it on etc.
36 years we’ve never used it, no complaints…duh!

A former home inspector who claims grading etc will solve 99% of wet basements, NOPE!

Home inspectors should NOT be recommending ‘grading’ as a means that will solve/stop most leaky basements, this is incompetent bulsht.
Shall Bubba again post a countless number of photos, jobs, of leaky basements where homeowners were told this crap, did it, sold their house and the buyers got screwed… huh?

Have looked at numerous home inspector websites that state/claim the same crap, apparently they’ll never learn and of course are misguiding their clients, YEP.

WHY can’t some smart, good HI’s UNDERSTAND that recommending grading or 500’ long downspout extensions does NOT, has not, identified any homeowners problem aka, where the water is getting in. And this stuff does not fix/repair/waterproof/tuckpoint etc whatever the actual problem is!!! Hello.

Please stay we need you all the best… Roy

Thanks Roy… <—this guy is a good, generous dude from the great white north

Oh umm, are we sure this song was written by someone sane, not drunk and with only kids in mind?
Cuz here it says, ‘the original composer of the song is unknown’.

Isn’t it also possible that the person who came up with this little tune was somebody like Timothy Leary on LSD, or Charley Mason on about 200 pills? Just asking.
(Somebody may indeed be thinking, why is Bubba thinking about this bllshttt…he’s more screwed up than I originally thought!) :mrgreen:
Well, in part because I just watched this Seinfeld episode where Jerry is singin’ it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELNXjDn5rP4

“Rain gutter grate system that only a fool would install” 23 sec’s :mrgreen:
Caption…less than adequate from keeping my basement clear of water, was told by landscaper ‘try it you’ll like it’… don’t get sucked into this one and don’t be a fool like me. GOT MILK???
Runnin with the PACK…homeowners, keep on RUNNIN!~!

Is it Halloweenie time already? #-o
Running with the Pack/Bad Company http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYGJZojSzmY …you can’t hold Bubba down, you can’t hold Bubba back!

I enjoy much of your Posts Mark, you got to stick around. :wink:

:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: your too kind sir.

I second that.

thank you Mr. Ramm :wink:

Short video, more nonsense… ‘Basement waterproofing your interior foundation’ :roll: … how is this an option when it does not repair/waterproof any exterior cracks in walls and other possible exterior openings in wall or above a basement wall #-o

Lack of knowledge on this subject leads many to claim and do all kinds of crap. This is another waste of time and money, period.
Yeah sht sure, it probably makes some feel better knowing they did/tried something. #-o

Video… there ARE cracks and likely either no parging or cracked deteriorated parging on the outside of the dumb basement wall.

" a couple thousand dollars"… lool. Should have spent that money on exterior waterproofing, period.

–basecoat, rubberized top coat
–then they show/say, ‘original foundation wall, its in good shape but needed some minor repairs’… (yeah, outside! sheesh man)

All you guys did was pretty much the same thing as many inside system companies do, hide-cover the inside wall/cracks, yep. You didn’t care to or think it was necessary to seal/waterproof the EXTERIOR cracks, parging etc and THAT is why/where the water is entering, loooooool

Just another basement that was NOT waterproofed, a waste of cash.

A few photos of inside basement walls, efflorescence etc and some exterior photos of same areas which was WHY the basement leaked, had efflorescence, mold.

Here’s the same type of CRAP a homeowner was talked into, waste of money! Still leaked, that’s why I am THERE!!! loool

And here is the incompetent company who talked these homeowners into applying that junk and out of $$$

Heres my input…

Im a 3rd generation general contractor. Ive been doing basement wall reconstruction and waterproofing for a long time and its the mainstay of our business. My grandfather started this company in 1948 and have had very little issues with interior waterproofing.

I will happily waterproof the outside of your home if you want to pay for it but I recommend you waterproof the inside for three reasons.

Its affordable, effective and accessible.

Exterior waterproofing fails more often and when it does you have to dig it up from the outside. If the interior system fails, you can determine exactly where it failed and dig it up from the inside much easier.

If you have roots growing into a foundation or moving walls that should be addressed but interior waterproofing will keep your basement dry and done correctly will not cause mold. Cracks can be effectively sealed from the inside especially if there is interior waterproofing proofing system.

If your walls are leaning more than 2" we put in support I beams every 4’. If its leaning more than 4" we rebuild the wall. I-beams, we have never EVER had a complaint, they work great.

We warranty all our work… if interior waterproofing didnt work, it wouldn’t be so popular and Id be out of business.

Oh boy (8\) :freaked-::freaked-: let the fight begin.

Well Joe, you have your opinion, as do all the other interior system companies.
And quite frankly i could care less if your the 7th son of a 7th son, like Glen Campbell, eh. lol

Yeah, a long one and hey, anyone who doesn’t take the TIME to look, to understand at the photos/vid’s then scr_w you. Waaay too many homeowners have been still are, getting lied to, bs’d about why–where they leak, have mold/efflorescence etc. Go somewhere else and post/talk about door knobs etc.

Popular? lolollll Unfortunately, many homeowners are duped. lied to etc BY incompetent, self-serving interior system companies. They sure are baby.
Eh, pet rocks were once POPULAR, duh!
On THIS subject, basement waterproofing, most homeowners do not U N D E R S T A N D much, if anything hence they are INDEED, E A S I L Y blllllshtted about why/where they leak and most often this blshhht/lying/misrepresentations etc are done by inside system SCUM bag companies!

Hmmm, interior basement systems YOU claim, are affordable, effective and accessible and supposedly don’t/won’t CAUSE mold huh, lol, ok.

Most interior system companies do not bother to, care to, correctly and honestly IDENTIFY homeowners actual problems as to WHY/WHERE their basement leaks, that’s right Joe.

And they very often charge as much and sometimes more than exterior waterproofing would have cost. And many of these scamball co’s often talk many homeowners into much more work than needed.

Example, over 36 years we have repeatedly seen, talked to homeowners, who had 2–4 interior system co’s over for estimates who tried talking the homeowners into installing a system along 1++ walls, and often a full interior basement system, when these homeowners ONLY leaked in ONE area, gee Joe, why on earth would they, DO THEY, do that… huh? lolol
Can you say lying, cheating, scumbag co’s trying to cheat homeowners out of much money money/work than needed? I can, and will all day long.
Got that? Got milk?

Here Joe, (shtt man, can post many vid’s or photos)… what happened here, at this young couples home? Huh?
“This is a video of a waterproofing job gone terribly WRONG”
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHYV7Sj_h74 WATCH IT, listen to her, sheshhhus kristmas.
Homeowner writes/says, 'They advised us it had to be done on the inside…they said they didn’t do that kind of work (exterior waterproofing)…this is what happens when you trust the ‘experts’ "

And how much $$$?

The Who wrote a song, The Punk meets the Godfather. You ever hear that tune Joe?

Here Joe, watch, listen to this homeowner… he had Everdry waterproofing out for an estimate… what did they TRY and bs him into… and OUT of?
How MUCH money Joe? $15,000 and $27,000!!!@

WHY oh my stinky butt WHyyyyyyyyyy, would they LIE to him, huh? He only leaked in 1 area DUE to, a crack in his basement wall in that one area!! $1,350 is ALL he needed to spend to fix his one problem, period.

Hey Joe, Everdry also claims they are EXPERTS, and homeowners can trust them, lololllllllllllllll. Sure, ok… whatever all these bubbleheads claim just has to be true, huh?

Popular? Shttt, eh, my test----I–KKKles used to be POPULAR to some young ladies back in duh day Joe.

Joe claims, interior basement systems won’t, don’t cause mold… really???
Hmmmm, interior system installed here Joe… incompetent bulshtt, more mold, more efflorescence and ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, water contimues to enter Joe!!! looooolll IN COMP e TENT!!! And homeowner is OUT $15,000 Joe.
Q’s for Joe, did the installation of the interior basement system stop/prevent further mold and efflorescence? Yes or no!

Did the installation of the interior basement system stop water from getting into the basement? Yes or no.

Did the installation of the interior basement system AND beams remove, reduce,relieve ANY lateral soil pressure, roots, which CAUSED the g dang cracks, leaks, mold? Yes of NO!!!

How many videos or photos do some need to see? Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to many incompetent, self serving, SUPPOSED self entitled EXPERTS in this business who are FULL of crrrap

Hey Joe, here’s some photos of a lady who had B Dry waterproofing over for an estimates/recommendation on what TA do about her ONE lone leaky area.
Joe, B Dry did not want to (as usual) determine, identify, detect, find…why, where she was leaking, DUHHHH! They did not want to, remove aprt of her drywall, as I did, see photos, so that, one could see/determine her actual problem!!
They wanted MORE $$$ than what we charged her for exterior waterproofing, helllllo!
What was BEHIND the DRYWALLL Joe? Huh???
rest of that photo alum…

HAD B Dry installed an inside basement drainage system then she would NEVER have got rid of, the mold!!! It would have got worse, ya folla? And again, they wanted MORE $$ than what we charged… you said AFFORDABLE Joe?

Hmmmm, I beams? I don’t have a problem with I beams, if and when they are really needed and installed correctly and… in conjunction with EXTERIOR waterproofing Joe, NOT inside crap. Because Joe, inside system don’t remove any of the many causes of many cracks, leaks, bowed walls, hello!
What does Fairafx county gov here say about, basement wall damage, bowed walls?
This is obviously an UNBIASED opinion Joe…
scroll down to… Basement Wall Damage, read CAUSE and RESOLUTION
…in part they tell homeowners, “The clay MUST be REMOVED”

Joe, do they tell homeowners to install I beams, carbon straps etc AND an interior system?
Huh? Just asking.

Here, another incompetent inside system moron, who likely claims to be an expert etc, installed an inside system, what happened Joe? 3 sump pumps too.

The ONLY thing that WOULD have helped was, Exxxxxxxxxterior waterproofing, backfilled with all gravel. That is what SHOULD have been done.

That is what SHOULD have been explained to the homeowner.

That is what WOULD have stopped further water from entering and, removed, reduced lateral soil pressure, that’s right. And often, not always, exterior waterproofing (depending on who one hires) would have cost less, or around the same amount of cash most inside system co’s charge.

Installing I beams and an interior system here/in that last video, would NOT have a) stopped further water from entering the exterior cracks in the block wall(s)…
and b) would NOT have removed, reduced any lateral soil pressure or any of the other possible causes of cracks, bowing etc such as, underground tree roots, porch-footings etc

Here’s a bowed wall Joe, and some deteriorated/disintegrated blocks, go ahead, take a look

Here’s the rest of the photos of that house…
Joe, the homeowner had 2 other companies come out for estimates, 2 interior system companies… both would have installed an interior system and NOT had done anything on the outside! Both wanted MORE $$$$$$$$$$$$ !!!

Had the homeowner hired either of these incompetent, negligent co’s … the wall, the blocks would have got… WORSE!@!@!! lolol Hello!

And, obviously, they would NOT have stopped further water from entering all of the exterior openings, hence, interior systems do NOT stop the penetration of water from WHERE its most often, entering peoples homes!!!@@!!!@ LOLOLOllolllolLL

All an inside system MIGHT do, is, DIVERT the water to a sump pump etc, its not ‘waterproofing’, at best its water management so why bother to call it/incompetently claim its waterproofing. Waterproofing is stopping the penetration of water from wherever the hll its entering, NOT rerouting it.

Here’s another homeowner who got totally blshtted into an interior system by Aquaguard waterproofing (actually water–diverting!!)… sued, won $50,000
And how much MONEY did they charge him??? HUH!!!
AFFORDABLE my stinkin azz!!!

This video, this is what happens quite a bit… B Dry installed their system, still leaks etc (finished basement!!) and then ANOTHER interior system bubblehead actually thinks it still leaks and has MOLD because the interior system was installed incorrectly!@#@!@!!
2, that’s TWO incompetent interior system co’s

The friggin basement leaks because, as usual, there ARE exterior cracks, cracked parging… on the OUTSIDE of the block walls!!@@@!#@!!!@#$
Are you people really that stupid??? YES!!! oh hlll YES!!!~!!!

Joe claimed, interior basement systems if installed correctly, won’t/don’t cause mold.
I say, and know, that’s is a bunch of bllllshtt, period!
If YOU don’t STOP the water from wherever its actually FIRST entering then you will never stop/prevent mold,m efflorescence etc… blshtt, erroneous, incompetent, self serving claims
LOOK, at the photos posted!@!! Watch the videos!!! You peeps are full of ALOT of incompetent crap.

What you types of peeps do not ‘get’, unwilling to understand or don’t care at all to understand is all homeowners problem(s), leaks really need to be identified, found… that’s number g dang 1. You peeps don’t want to, don’t care to, take the TIME or, do not have the REAL knowledge/experience, to… seek/find why–where the homeowner is really leaking and then, fix THAT instead of blshhting people into more than they need.
Another PRIME example… but this time it was not an interior system TURD.
Sellers either brought some/most of this (lawsuit) on themselves OR, were bs’d/misled by the concrete Bozo and possibly their home inspector.

BUYERS leaked on the first decent rain and every decent++ rain as soon as they moved in.
Sellers told buyers they once leaked on/along the driveway side basement wall BUTT they had it fixed by installing a NEW DRIVEWAY and tarring along the edge of drive and house and, by applying DRYLOK paint of the inside of the stupid block wall!!!
Driveway cost over $6,0000.

NOBODY thought to, cared to, had the EXxxxxxxxperience to, first… find/identify why--------where the dumb az water was first getting in!!! Got me? Feel me? looolllll

Just like inside system co’s, they don’t CARE or, have the real knowledge to FIND the homeowners actual problem(s)!!! They tell homeowners lots of bllshtt/lies/myths in order to sell homeowners the ONE dumb az thing they do!
And MOST companies/contractors/plumbers etc, THESE DAYS are water------diverting co’s so hellllllllllllllllllllllo, its easy to BLLLLSHHTT MOST homeowners when MOST homeowners are being told (bsd) by 99% of these companies who they get estimates from, that they need an interior system!@!#@##$!!

Then add the many, NOT all home inspectors, realtors etc who are also incompetent on this subject and also tell/refer homeowners to… these same dumb az incompetent interior system companies and, what do we have??? DUH!!!
A scamming monopoly!!!

Photo #4, B Dry wrote up, told homeowners they needed an interior basement system, see the cost? The other photos is ALL the homeowner needed, exterior waterproofing because, there were exterior cracks, cracked parging which was WHERE the dumb water was entering!!!

Here, one of those moron named, interior pressure relief system was installed, another homeowner LIED TO, CHEATED out of thousands of dollars!!!
The problems have always bee, exterior cracks in the block wall!!! PERIOD!
Man, don’t even bother to attempt to bllllllllllllllsht me, not on this subject, bunch of fruitloops!
Did the DUMB pressure relief system stop the water from where it has always been entering???
Did the DUMB az pressure relief system stop-prevent mold, efflorescence on the dumb az basement wall?
As for PRESSURE, the pressure that CAUSED the dang cracks, leaky basement etc was due to lateral SOIL pressure and underground roots against, along the basement wall!!!
So… did the pressure relief system remove, reduce the REAL pressures/weight that caused the damn problems???

Another interior basement system previously installed, poured walls… cracks, some bowing DUE TO, lateral soil pressure against the walls. FIRST 5 photos…
So Joe, WHY is it still leaking?
WHERE is the so-called lifetime warranty?
WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY didn’t the company come back???
NO mold, that’s what you claim right?
Yeah shtt sure right, it wasn’t you who installed it.
Its EASY to bllllsht many homeowners on this subject, especially when you/they cover parts or all of the basement wall with ‘bright wall’ etc etc, that way, nobody will see mold, efflorescence, water, won’t see cracks widening etc… right? Or they already have a finished basement, drywall etc against the basement wall.

Wall anchors were installed here, WHY???
Only a self serving incompetent idiot would have sold a homeowner wall anchors!
The friggin cracks, mold, leaks etc is DUE TO lateral soil pressure and likely underground roots and possibly the driveway… all acting upon/against the basement wall.
You need to reduce, lessen the weights/pressures acting upon the wall and that cannot be done, is not done, by installing wall anchors, beams nor any interior system!!!
There are exterior cracks, hellllooo, that’s is why--------where, the water is entering, is getting into the blocks!!!

Wake UP!!!

Get reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll !!!

The Punk meets the Godfather… ‘No surprise i told lies, I’m the punk in duh gutter!’

Here’s Glen Campbell fer ya… WITCHY----TAW lineman, go ahead, sing along

They won’t be now. :mrgreen::twisted::mrgreen:

Mark (John) I just turned down finishing a basement for someone because they want to do an inside system. =;=; They have a real problem, this I know for sure as they have had me over when water is running across the floor. $7000 to run this inside crap, his father is a realtor and owns apartment buildings and has told him the same, fix it from the outside. Kids ](,)](,) and smooth talkers. :-;;:-;;

I agree thanks Marcel .

I saw many of the inside systems Never saw one I liked .

Love your post`s Mark

Indeed Ken. Often they want MORE than $7,000.

Ty Mr. Cooke.

Even this lawyer/law firm, gets a TAD of this subject…
Scroll down a handful of paragraphs…
"Basement repair contractors (interior system bubbleheads) when they are replacing interior drain tile usually drill holes in the bottom course of blocks…a flat plastic shield is put between the floor and the wall… a narrow GAP is left behind the plastic down to the drain tile.

“This situation can create a problem… can create a potential breeding ground for MOLD”

Just like here, interior system was installed, flat shield against bottom blocks…mold, got dat?

…narrow gap… allows radon gas easier access into basement, sure the hll does.

One more important note FER now… the water that is getting INTO the blocks, block walls, is getting in through EXTERIOR cracks, cracked/no parging or other exterior openings.which interior basement drainage companies do NOT identify/find nor do they repair/waterproof, like this exterior crack…

Even this lawyer/law firm, gets a TAD of this subject…
Good article Mark.

I shiver everytime one speaks of an unreinforced block (CMU) foundation that is not water proofed on the exterior. ;):slight_smile:

Mr. Batten, I see you are a new member. Please update your profile to include your location so we know where you are from and please post your business website.
Thank you.

No kidding…:slight_smile: