Mike, would need to know a bit more about YOUR particular problem/seepage. Not everybody gets water in basement, on floor due to EXT cracks in foundation wall or other ext-openings, most do… just saying not all n i think most here ‘get’ that.
So i’d ask, where do you get/see this seepage… is it only in ONE area? Or all the way around?
Does it START, originate, from where the bottom of foundation wall meets the floor?
Can you see the F-wall (s) in the area (s) where you get seepage? What kind of F-walls?
If you can see the wall, any efflorescence or discolorment on any part of the wall?
How long have you lived in this house?
Is the seepage only under a basement-window or under a door, side, front?
If you have a crack in your basement floor, is this where you see the seepage?
Most homeowners get water, get seepage due to ext crack (s) in foundation wall or cracked, deteriorating parging or deteriorated rod holes (if u can’t see the walls), and other direct openings into house/basement, but again ‘most’ doesn’t mean everybody. And this is where INT system chumps begin to try and take advantage of the situation. Some get water, seepage on floor, most often along most of perimeter due to a blockage etc in their lateral line/clean out
N by all means, if you rather you can call me, here to try n help… say again per other-recent post on another thread, Mr Tews and O’Connor, hey… does it look like throughout all these years on here i’m a scammer? Some say i BASH others… well THINK, watch my videos, WHY do i BASH others???
Because they lie to homeowners, scam homeowners for self gain $ !! I don’t bash the honest one’s, hello!
Anyways man, sorry lol, lmk