Outdoor antenna stick on attic floor.
Whats the problem with it? It’s attached using the included mounting bracket. Heck, I grew up in Chicago, and our antennae was simply laying in the attic without any attachment at all. Worked awesome, and was simple to make “adjustments” when needed!
Very common in my area. The attic is the best spot for it, unless you are on the fringes of the signal and/or need to get the antenna higher.
So the typical person attaches it to the chimney, which is even more common, and creates way more problems than it solves!!
The antenna in the attic works great for local channels where I am. The cable company charges for each cable box, the antenna is good for the tv in the spare room
Not a problem, I see them all the time in attics, I wish I had one in my attic.
The attic is a good location for terrestrial TV antennas unless the roofing materials or lower height impedes the reception. One advantage is that it mitigates the chance of it being struck by lightning. I have mounted them in an attic.
I thought antennas in the attic was started because of Home Owners Association’s Karens not wanting those unsightly visible on top of houses.
Antennaes have been placed in attics for longer than I can remember. I have cousins older than me and they still mention them when talking about their childhoods in the 50s and playing hide-n-seek in the attic.
I thought that the Telecommunications Act of 1996 stopped HOA’s from homeowner terrestrial antenna restrictions.
They are making a comeback here as more and more people are cutting the cord and eliminating streaming channels.
We cut the cord a couple of years ago and went to YoutubeTV. Around June or July of this year we started to notice how little TV we actually do watch. It didn’t make sense to be paying $73.00 per month so we eliminated it as well. I didn’t feel like going in the attic or mounting anything outside, so this antenna made more sense.
Thanks, Jeff. Are you using it now?
We were going to be looking for something like that soon. And…violà!
Is that coverage area stated accurate? I live out in the country where the nearest tower is 60 miles away. My powered attic antenna works good most of the time; but sometimes goes pixelated on me. Not always HD. That price is great if it works.
Not a chance in you know what, lol. My bet is it won’t even be very reliable at 60 miles. The one star reviews on Amazon seem to confirm my opinion. It has a lot of good reviews too, but those are likely people who live in big cities close to the signal source.
I occasionally turn it on while I’m working in my office and not using the TV as a third monitor. For whatever reason, I am attracted to People’s Court & Judge Joe Brown as an occasional distraction while I work.
We pick up multiple duplicate channels (ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX) from different locations. A lot of kid’s channels, a lot of shows dedicated to '70s, '80s, & '90s, a few sports channels, old movie channels, cooking channels, ETC. I would guess that we receive around 300 channels. Granted that around a third of them are either home shopping or in Spanish.
Thanks for the feedback, Jeff.
Do you pick up from a distance? For instance, I am about 15 miles from 1-2 stations and 30 to 80 miles (across Lake MI to WI) for other stations. Then ~150 miles to other stations.
Claims of antenna ranges that are hundreds of miles are flat out lies. Unless you have a tower behind your house the curvature of the earth will block the line of sight signal in less than 100 miles.
You obviously are NOT a Flat Earther!!