These claims are factual. Many licensed states are reluctant to approve any CE courses that stray beyond their HI SOP.
Anyone who helped us get one particular CE course approved in a particular state will remember that we were required to “dumb-down” significantly one of the best and most advanced courses around in order to have it approved. I have yet to teach it in that state.
Many states are reluctant to recognize on-line HI CE courses, even though several other licensed professions within the same state are allowed to take on-line courses for credit.
And, wherever there is licensing, it is the government’s responsibility to approve most, if not all courses submitted for CE approval.
Of all the courses we’ve submitted to all the states we’ve submitted them to… not one of the denials was because the course was too easy. All denials to date were because the course was too technical, too advanced or too far outside SOP.
Just like the NHIE or any other MINIMUM REQUIREMENT licensing exam… governments also prefer dumbed-up courses.
If the government was a guarantee to quality education…people would be taking their children out of expensive private schools and sending them to the free public schools.
Some questions that have been asked many times and if they where answered I did not see them .
I am sure others would also love to know the answers .
How many National certificate holders are there.
Approximate would be fine
What % are CAHPI members .
What % are NACHI members .
Why is there no way for the Public to find out who they are.
First let me respond to the ones that I readily have info on - the others will be researched.
Initial application including 1 TIPR $630 (with (EA) Equivalency Agreement) or $997.50 (without EA) for 2008
Second Test Inspection $210
Annual maintenance - renewal fee $100 with EA, $200 without EA + GST
The records indicate at the current time that 13% have “unsuccessfully” completed the TIPR. At another time I will gladly offer the common issues of why a person is not successful.
The list will become publicly available through a variety of mechanisms; but it has not been officially released at this point.
As stated I will look into the numbers of EA versus non EA members.