I wouldn’t overwhelm yourself with the IR and specialty training just yet. I would concentrate on doing basic home inspections and do them very well. Provide a great basic service to your client to get going and add services from there as you get established. That way you will be more comfortable doing what you do. And that should be providing a great inspection. I know with all the technology sometimes it’s alluring. But just starting out I think you should just stick to the basics. Just my opinion.
yea ive been going to family and friends homes and trying to do mock inspections, im trying tot ake it slow, and just kinda get a feel for it before i start a ride along, but yea im def. ready for it, still have alot of studying to do, i dont even care about the money, i just cant wait to get out there and do a “real” inspection thats legally binding… exciting stuff
Beleiev me i definitly understand all that stuff, im going through Allied, good program, at home course and location course, good stuff, plus my background, my research and my drive, oh im ready, next month or so. so are the requirements in philadelphia the same as the state? or do they have an alternate course issue? Ive been planning on coming out to a meeting one of these times, everythings tight right now, trying to get as much capitol up as possible, im almost there :eek: thanks guys
see thats what i needed to hear, i’ve thought the same thing for months now, and the only things that wants me to get into asap is the fact of feeling behind, but your right, im gonna go back to my original gut feeling and stickin to the basics, i can always refer people for the mold, IR services… but thanks alot, helped second handedly take some presure off…
Doesn’t Pennsylvania have some stringent licensing requirements (regulations) that are required before one becomes licensed as a “Home Inspector”?
Or am I thinking of a different state?
“Oops” I didn’t read the thread completely.
So…I see that you seem to have a complete understanding of what is required here in Philadelphia. I guess you are probably well versed in the home inspection laws in Pennsylvania and Philadelphia. You can probably answer all your own questions at this point in the game.
Licensing does have it’s good points.
What are the regulations by the way?..If I’m not mistaken…their pretty wild if my memory serves me correctly.
Isn’t there a boat load of inspections needed with someone who is licensed before you can even apply for a test and license?
Proof of certification with an accepted home inspection association
General Liability Insurance
Philadelphia Business Priviledge License
Philadelphia Tax ID Number
Workman’s Comp if you have any employees
Philadelphia Home Inspector License
You still need to comply with Pennsylvania home inspection law
I can see if I can dig up the exact figures if you want Dale. Thinking about coming out this way to do some work? :mrgreen:
Hell no Scott, I was just thinking Adam has the cart WAY in front of the horse.
I tried telling him before in a previous thread, but apparently he has it all figured out.
I guess you need to have completed 100 Inspections with someone who is licensed before you can get a license …right?
And pass the nachi exam…which is not the issue…the 100 Inspections could be a big issue with a market like this for residential work.
What does someone need to do in PA…work for another company until you get 100 Inspections under your belt?
It just seems like you’re getting ahead of yourself and others weren’t willing to tell you that. I was in the same boat a few years back when I started out, and it is still overwhelming. Your first few years in this business will really test you. You may go weeks between inspections. May be easier in a populated area but I live in a sparce area, so it was pretty tough. Joining NACHI this year has given me access to mounds of info, so you are ahead of me in that regard. Wish I would have joined sooner. Just make sure you have all your ducks in a row before you get out there. Don’t want you to get in trouble after a handful of inspections.
You may want to try buying Gilligan lunch or something, bribery maybe, and he might be willing to give some more in depth info for your area. Can be a cut throat business though. One inspector in my area basically told me to stick up my a** when I asked to do some ride alongs with him. So you may have to be really nice to Scott. Of course, he might just tell you to stick it up your a**!!! You never know unless you ask.
yea i did ask in gerneral once, he never responded… and no i have many many questions, and from the outside Scott, seems that there is never enoguh to learn… i did know there is specialty in philadelphia, and not sure where im working at, but what makes ya’ll think my " cart is way in front of my horse"? ive spent alot of time marketing, planning up the business plan, loads of research, and a mounting capitol, so what part of that means im getting too far ahead of me, i mean since the only thing financially besides schooling that i invested into is the business registration and tools, please elaborate…
Brian,thanks for the heads up about the code book
Maybe I missed it but how many inspections have you done?
In PA, you need to be taught be an accreditted school, be accepted into an organization with people in 10 states, and have E&O and GL insurence… in philly it is different but thats any major city…
im still in training, but ive gone to a few friends and family’s homes and did mock inspections to see where i need to get more studying, so 4, i need to learn more tho before i feel comfortable going out for a fee…
Don’t quit yer day job yet if you have one.