Need a Code Book

What are you marketing if you have no viable business?

BTW-Is your CAPS and Shift key broken?


Thanks for being honest and blunt. Now if we could just get the diploma mills to state this in their preamble!!!

4 inspections and you’re thinking of going on your own??? WOW…

Take my advice…Hang out with a licensed/experienced HI for at least a year.

Don’t worry, he probably has something budgeted for the also


how many do you expect to do before training is over… wow some of ya’ll have high expectations on things that havent started yet

and the marketing thing was a typo, i ment to say i was researching marketing… sorry

thanks guys


oh no, im not ready at all, thats just what ive done for people i know… i very much plan on goin on ride alongs, not nearly ready

Get as many as possible, practice on everyone you come across, do them again and again till you feel comfortable with a routine.

As far as “expectations” your topics of conversation may come across that way, everybody starts out crawlin’. Just seems like your thinking WAY ahead of yourself and it’s giving me an impression that your “Lost In Space”. Now mind you I’m only kidding.

You may very well have all your ducks, just not in a row.

No one here means anyone ill will and I’m sure many would agree when I say “Good Luck and Welcome”

You ask a question here your going to get EVERYONE’S opinion, now that’s good if you have a problem Home Inspection wise that you’re not sure of.

Other than that stick to the books and someone you can learn from.


yea i always seem like im jumping too far in, i just like to have at least a small idea of what the future holds, rather then be surprised… but yea i know, i need alot more studying, i wish i could find someone more local to me to do a ride along, the only person who has agreed is chris duphry in the poconos,a 2hr trip 2 1/2 hr if i get lost… sooo its hard to do as many as possible… but im very devoted, and i have a few people to prove wrong on this BB… but thatnks for your words… and sorry for seeming that im ahead of my time…

I somehow feel we are being baited for information here…

All right, Adam, that’s it, no more soup for you.

No tickie , no shirtie


No. I didnt mean that way, Mickey.

This guy wants to be a home inspector, and went to school but supposedly cant pass our exam. Then he asks about the commercial course, but hasnt inspected a house yet. Now he wants a code book, and asks what else we inspect to…

Its total bull****.

excuse me, im extreamly offeneded, i spend all day at work on this BB learning as much as i can before i go home and study, whatever else you think is going on keep it to yourself, but im not here to **** around, im here to learn and become the best inspector i can, any problem with that deal with it… and whats wrong with wanting to know about my options in fact whats wrong with learning, and do ya’ll really have a problem with people coming on here loking for info?? whats the deal…

OH and for the last time, i am going to join once im certified, why join before then? not like i can ask more inspecting questions, im still not gonna be inspecting homes, so right now im just studying…

and im sorry if this comes off hostile or anything, its just every month someone says something like this to me in one of my threads, and every time i explaine myself, someone else comes out… so i apoligize

future NACHI member
And Home Inspector

and just wondering, what harm could someone who is “baiting” information do, because of the fact im gonna be on this board for a long time, is there people i should look out for, and what should i look out for??? just seems silly to me is all

Without a driver?


Certified by who???

I admire your enthusiasm Adam,

Good luck in your new career of choice.

You’ve been given a lot of good advice here and it’s time to start using it.

Go do some more inspections and come back here and ask questions.
Trust me, you have no idea how much you have to learn yet.
You will find many helpful people here and the best thing you can do is join now. As a member you will have access to other areas of the board with even more helpful information.

All the best and watch out for Joe Farsetta, he can hurt you;-)

Now if you could only manage to find your shift and Caps key:shock:

LOL i know im sorry about that, im usually at work when doing it, and i have so many things running through my head that i have to type to get it out asap, you should see how many times i go back and forth making sure I wrote everything… Im gonna make a consience effort to do that for ya… yea and the learning thing, i think thats one of the most appealing things about the career is that you never get bored, you never become a robot, cause every house is different and theres always something new to look for, and im gonna be a member as soon as I can, i wanna finish certification first and then get all that together but in the next month hopefully by march 10th (a date i set for myself) i will be joining NACHI… !100%!

Allied, and ill be using a friend of the family who used to do inspections and does municiple building inspections now to get a routine going…

thanks for asking



I thought I was pretty clear here in this post what you need to worry about and what order you should be working on things. It is entirely up to you if you want to take my advice. The stuff I listed here is exactly the same procedure I went through and I breezed through it without a problem. I researched everything, asked questions from some of the older and respected inspectors on this board and found out all the details once someone pointed me in the right direction. There is a certain order of progression to everything you do in life. When I get up in the morning, I don’t put on my work boots, take a shower, get dressed, and then dry off. There is a particular order things need to be done or else they just simply do not work out as intended.

On a side note…

I see that you responded to an announcement for one of The Greater Philadelphia Chapter’s meetings. When I tried calling you to let you know exactly where we would be in the facility, I was able to speak with you for a few seconds before my call was dropped. When I tried calling you back, I got your answering machine that had the greeting “Adam’s Home Inspection Service”. I will have to tell you that I found that pretty offensive considering that you are living in Philadelphia and not certified or licensed as a home inspector. Home inspectors in the city are considered to be under a professional licensure. By advertising you are a home inspector on your answering machine, you are implying that you are qualified and licensed. If that was acceptable, I would be calling myself Doctor Gilligan and write out prescriptions for everyone I know or Scott Gilligan, Esquire and defend some poor unsuspecting fool in a court of law. By being unqualified or unlicesned in a territory that is controlled by a professional licensure, you are not allowed to conduct business as such until you obtain the propper credentials. Without them, you can be sued for a laundry list of offenses and more than likely find yourself doing jail time.

Some of the things you might want to consider before you start going out charging money for an inspection involved in a real estate transaction for a buyer:

  • Fraud
  • Misrepresentation
  • Theft by deception
  • Prohibition from profession licensure fro previous offenses
    If you ask anyone, I am pretty helpful kind of guy. I have recently helped a fellow InterNACHI member with all his paperwork to get his Philadelphia license. Yes, he is going to be my compitition and right in the same city. We are going to be competing for the same client base, jobs, and referrals. The way I look at it is I helped him out, and I will probably get a lot more in return. I have offered my advice to you several times in the past on other threads and if you choose to ignore it, then that is your own fault. I am just telling you what I went through and didn’t have a single problem.

Take my advice or don’t…but please don’t try to pass yourself off as a home inspector until you are actually qualified to do so.

was not ment to be heard, just testing names, please see your PM Scott

thanks for the advise, and i have taken it into consideration, i just like to get responses from a mass and go from there viewing all options and see what is available for me, never ment to be offensive and hope to get a chance to meet you guys at one of the meetings soon, BTW i love the location…