I have had my certification and my website I also have applied for job openings. I have a post on google and yelp and not one call. Ive wasted more money than I have gotten any work and starting to stress. Any advice please!
Don’t wait on phone calls or internet Ads. A LOT of post on this subject…
Where are you located and what is the name of your company?
I googled your name followed by “home inspection” and only NACHI and Zillow come up. This has to change if you want people to find you.
Oddly enough you have 2 reviews on Zillow but you state “not one call?”
Your website needs a bit of work. And I am not sure what a property certification actually is.
The NACHI marketing team may be able to help.
This spelling error in your domain name is also not useful
The website shows another 3 reviews plus there are 2 on Zillow.
You state not one call but have 5 reviews. If the reviews are not legit, I would take them down. On their surface, the way they are worded makes them appear questionable. Potential clients need to be able to trust you based almost solely on their first impression, which is usually your web presence and reviews left by past clients. Reviews that appear questionable do not help.
More importantly, Google is very good at sniffing out fake reviews. Their algorithms are severely slanted towards “trusted businesses.”
Nor is the misspelling on your GMB page.
And I would capitalize the word property on your GMB.
Little things like this matter when you are starting out!
OR the numerous misspellings in the website…
If I were looking for a home inspector, and just getting first impressions based on websites, I honestly wouldn’t even dial your number.
As Ryan and Brian have said, first impressions are key. We are not trying to be rude, but helpful, since you are reaching out. Just in these two screenshots, there are at least 10 errors with spelling, punctuation or sentence structure.
I would hire someone to professionally update your website.
Find out where the real estate offices are. Visit them, shake hands, introduce yourself and leave cards. You have to become noticed and get someone to take a chance on you. Polish your elevator spiel and deliver it when you visit agents. Take their cards and start a mailing list. Remind them of your visit and your interest in them!
No matter how disagreeable it may be clients won’t find you if agents haven’t heard of you. Make them hear.
Maybe the OP will return and follow some good advice.
I had to keep the one letter misspelled it was the only domain I could buy.
I have done an inspection for a friend Lina and family. I don’t consider them someone from outside that contacted me. I am not trying to be dishonest or have someone come at me like I am I was only trying to ask for help. Thanks anyway.
Thank you
I just got the business cards I think I will give it a run this week and drop some off.
Then you should have used a different business name, or a different website. A misspelled website doesn’t do anyone any favors, and should never be done on purpose… people will try to look you up when they see your name and never find you.
The first rule of receiving real feedback is not to be defensive.
So, Here it comes if you can handle it.
Your website is crap.
You are hard to find on the internet.
You use terms not consistent with home inspections such as “same day certificate”
I do not want an inferred camera inspection.
I do not know what an inspection of all entities and Certification even means.
Who is we? Are there more than one of you? If so, who are they?
You’re reviews look fake.
So, in the end, this is very helpful feedback because we want your success. We are here to help, not lie to you so you feel better.
Not until you correct your website. You only have one chance to make a 1st impression.
That’s great and I recommend doing as many of these “close contact” inspections as possible. Inspections where you are not under the pressure of performing for a paying client and where you can take as much time as you need to refine your process. But reviews from these close contact type inspections are not legitimate in my opinion.
Did you get 5 reviews from just the one inspection or did you do 5 inspections for Lina and family? Just trying to help and give you feedback on what I see when I search for someone out of the blue. There are red flags flying everywhere for me as an outsider looking in.
So finally, I think this promotion may still be active. If not, Ben has a ton of resources.
Since you are just starting out I would come up with a different business name real quick. The present one will do nothing but hurt you. You may want to think about using a big city near you, instead of the whole state as a name, or something else completely different
Great advice was given above. I will reiterate that you need to hire someone to proofread your website. Spell check will not find all the many errors. For example : “ At Michigan Guardians We make sure that your home has been properly inspected to insure your health, safety and profit. ”
You don’t want to have this sentence on your webpage. You are not insuring health. You probably will help ENSURE safety though. Don’t even discuss profit. Read the SOP to better understand what home inspectors do, and don’t do.
Do you have any friends yet who are home inspectors? Maybe they can go through your entire website and marketing plan with you to help you get started.
As Brian said, you only get one chance to make a first impression. I’d get my marketing fixed before passing out cards. You don’t want agents or potential customers seeing your current materials.
I wish you great success.