Here is a good list of the problems with the Mold / HI bills. This list was the work of Harold Weise, one of FAPHI’s Directors. Harold has done almost all of the research and footwork for FAPHI in building opposition to a poorly conceived and written bill. Those of you who are needing some ammunition to write your Reps can use this to show them where the holes, contradictions, and inconsistencies are. Too late to influence anyone on any committees, the time to do that is past. Contact the sponsors, reps and the Governor office, phone,fax and emails. Interestingly, the Governor’s office tells us that very few have even contacted them so the impression there was the Florida HIs liked this bill. I believe the word used was “complacent”. This list is being added to the FAPHI website but isn’t in place yet and is the reason it is being posted here. We are running out of time if you do not like or want a weak, convoluted piece of legislation.
Combined summaries
Regarding: HB161CS, CS/SB1046 & SB2670
I. HB161CS - Building Assessment and Remediation
Three professions or occupations are contained within this proposed legislation. They are, namely, mold assessment, mold remediation and home inspection.
Part 468.83 states that the intent of the legislation is that such occupations “regulated in a manner that does not unnecessarily restrict entry into such professions or occupations”. In part 468.842, sec. C, (4) it is stated a person may work as a home inspector if he or she discloses to the customer, prior to contracting, “ a statement of experience that includes either the approximate number of home inspections the home inspector has performed for a fee or the number of years of experience as a home inspector”. This requirement unnecessarily restricts entry into this profession or occupation and is contrary to the stated intent of the legislation, as well as, being contradictory to the intent of the “Sunrise Act” in section 11.62, Florida Statutes.
Part 468.844, (1a) allows a home inspector, for an additional fee, to perform repairs to a home on which the home inspector or the inspector’s company has prepared a home inspection report. This is a definite conflict of interest and not in the best interests of the customer. A home inspector should be restricted from performing repairs for a period of 12 months from the date of inspection. This should be no different than the requirement imposed upon mold assessors as proposed in part 468.834, (1B).
Part 468.832, sec. (1), (a)1 and 2 requires that “a person shall not work as a mold remediator or mold assessor unless he or she has evidence of, or works under the direct supervision of a person who has evidence of … at least a 2-year degree in microbiology, engineering, architecture, industrial hygiene safety, or a related field of science …, along with … “. Mold assessors and mold remediators are trained by institutions involved with indoor air quality issues with emphasis on mold discovery and related causes, correction of defects causing mold and removal practices of mold. There are presently many accredited, non-profit organizations providing the proper training without reaching the level of a degree in microbiology or any science related field. This requirement could not be met by those individuals and businesses now operating in these professions or occupations in the time frame allowed for compliance to this proposed legislation and has an unreasonable effect on job retention in the state.
II. SB2670 – Home Inspection Services
Section 501.935, (2), 3, d provides for a requirement to practice as a home inspector that the individual
“ discloses to the consumer in writing prior to contracting for or commencing a home inspection … a statement of experience that includes either the approximate number of home inspections the home inspector has performed for a fee or the number of years of experience as a home inspector”. This requirement restricts entry into this profession or occupation and is contradictory to the intent of the “Sunrise Act” in section 11.62, Florida Statutes.
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Section 501.935, (4), (a), 1 ) allows a home inspector, for an additional fee, to perform repairs to a home on which the home inspector or the inspector’s company has prepared a home inspection report. This is a definite conflict of interest and not in the best interests of the customer. A home inspector should be restricted from performing repairs for a period of 12 months from the date of inspection.
III. CS/SB1046 - Mold Assessment & Mold Remediation
Section 489.604, (5), (c) defines mold assessment to include “the development of a mold management plan, development of a remediation protocol, and postabatement evaluation of a property”, and paragraph (6) defines a “mold assessor” to be any person or business that performs a mold assessment. The development of a mold management plan and a development of a remediation protocol is NOT the responsibility of the mold assessor, but is the responsibility of the mold remediator whose is the actual entity performing the remediation by their procedures. A postabatement evaluation of the property is an elective decision by the consumer, and this evaluation is not always performed after remediation and, thereby, should not be made mandatory so as to cause undue expenses upon the consumer.
Section 489.612, (1) states that a mold assessor or a mold remediator may obtain a renewal license in either of his or her occupation only if the licensee has satisfactorily demonstrated his or her competence in mold assessment AND mold remediation. This would mean singularly no renewal license may be issued since these are two different professions or occupations.