Please remove all references to my name...

Originally Posted By: mbradfeldt
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Dear Nick,

As a refresher to you below is NACHI’s requirements for membership taken from

1. You must have passed NACHI's Online Inspector Examination (free).
2. You must have completed NACHI's Ethics Obstacle Course (free).
3. You must have taken NACHI's Standards of Practice Quiz (free).
4. You must mail, fax, or submit online NACHI's Affidavit.
5. You must agree to adhere to the Standards of Practice.
6. You must agree to abide by the Code of Ethics.
7. You must agree to continue learning as per the Continuing Education Policy.
8. You must agree to maintain your member Online Continuing Education Log (free) as per the Continuing Education Policy.
9. You must agree that (after you join) if you have never performed a home inspection for a fee you will submit 4 mock inspections to NACHI's Report Review Committee (free) before performing your first home inspection for a client.
10. You must agree that within the first 6 months of membership you will apply for a membership photo I.D. (free).
11. You must agree that within the first year of membership you will re-take and pass NACHI's Online Inspector Examination again (free).
12. You must agree that within the first 2 years of membership you will attend at least one chapter meetings or educational seminars (reasonable exceptions apply).
13. You must be actively working towards attaining a "Full" Membership.
14. And coming in 2005: NACHI's Occupant Hazard Recognition Primer.

In August of '93 I received a "free" membership to NACHI from you. Being a little naive I accepted and never really gave it a second thought. Looking back now and digging a little deeper into NACHI I can't believe that I was ever allowed membership. As for the above requirements:

1. Passed long ago.
2. Never even heard of it, let along have I taken it.
3. Never taken it.
4. May have done it, can't remember.
5. Never did it.
6. Never did it.
7. Never knew NACH required continuing education.
8. Can't do what I don't know about.
9. Doesn't apply, but how would NACHI know that.
10. Never did it.
11. Never did it.
12. Never did it.
13. Never raised a finger.
14. No idea what this refers to.

As you can see, I have completed two of the fourteen requirements. Not only was I granted a membership, I didn't have to pay for it, and here it is a year and a half later and I am still listed on NACHI's web site.

While NACHI may be a very good marketing organization, it is horrible in the ethics department. At one time I was a member of NACHI and I have in the past stood up for NACHI. Knowing what I know now there is no way I can continue to support this organization. I am requesting that all references to Matt Bradfeldt and Premier Inspectors of America, Inc. be removed from not only your web site, but your records as well. This should not be difficult to do as you can see from the above I never did complete the requirements for initial membership.

On a further note, if you do not remove my information it will further show the decline of ethics on your part. After all, why would you keep a member that never fulfilled the membership requirements?

Matt Bradfeldt
General Manager/Technical Director
Premier Inspectors of America, Inc.

Originally Posted By: cmccann
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Hey Matt, Who inspects for you in Michigan?


Originally Posted By: jwortham
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So what you are saying, is that it’s NACHI’s problem that you accepted a membership and then did nothing to meet ANY of the requirements that you agreed to when you accepted?

Is that pretty much the gist of it?

Funny, I see an ethics issue here, but it's not NACHI's ethics I am questioning.

Originally Posted By: cmccann
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Jeff, Your posts have been cracking me up lately. Your on a role. icon_lol.gif


Originally Posted By: Blaine Wiley
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Hit the nail on the head though, didn’t he Chuck.

That is what we get sometimes for Free memberships. Some of the people who get them are worth about as much as they paid for the membership.

Originally Posted By: jwortham
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Glad you enjoyed Chuck. icon_smile.gif

I get a little tired of the people who post on the board and seem to think the rest of us care WHY they want to leave.

If you want to leave, go. We don't need announcements. We don't need your final diatribes. Just go. Tell the powers that be you resign. Tell Chris to take you out of the database. They will.

I've never heard of Matt before and suddenly I have to listen to him spew forth on ethics and honor? Please. Don't insult me or my intelligence by trying to insinuate you are better than me because you "See through Nick and NACHI" and that I am somehow blind.

Honorable and ethical people behave as such. There are many of them here. Some stay and work towards the betterment of the association.

Others leave but do so with honor. Jerry Peck comes to mind. A simple statement and poof. Gone. No need to pontificate. No final spewing of hatred. Here one day, gone the next. I can respect that.

I have no respect for Matt.

Ok. Off my soapbox. Time for a cold Labatts!

Originally Posted By: Blaine Wiley
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Others leave but do so with honor. Jerry Peck comes to mind. A simple statement and poof. Gone. No need to pontificate. No final spewing of hatred.

Until you read his posts about NACHI over at IN and TIJ.

Originally Posted By: jbehling
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jwortham wrote:

Ok. Off my soapbox. Time for a cold Labatts!


Thanks for supporting our economy

And they said Americans didn't know good beer when they see it

Originally Posted By: aslimack
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I agree a hundra fifty paacennt J.W. Between him and schfinkter boy on the “Quarterly” thread. Why the dramatics. Leave.

Adam, A Plus

Originally Posted By: jwortham
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Oh sure Blaine.

Make my well thought out and lucid argument moot by bringing in evidence from outside sources.

Guess I will either have to edit it or eat some crow.

D@mn. I hate feathers.

Originally Posted By: dedwards
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I think a truely honorable and ethical individual would have simply sent a private email to NIck and those in leadership and said thanks but no thanks, removed me from the membership list. No trumpets and fanfare. This had a purpose. what I don’t know or care, but it had a purpose.

Originally Posted By: ekartal
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Let’s not jump on Matt to soon here. He raised a valid point that should be answered. He did not meet the NACHI requirements but maintained his membership. Getting defensive is not the solution. That’s how the critics get their ammo. icon_cool.gif

Erol Kartal

Originally Posted By: Blaine Wiley
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ekartal wrote:
Let's not jump on Matt to soon here. He raised a valid point that should be answered. He did not meet the NACHI requirements but maintained his membership. Getting defensive is not the solution. ![icon_cool.gif](upload://oPnLkqdJc33Dyf2uA3TQwRkfhwd.gif)

Erol Kartal

Polite protocol would have been to send a letter to Nick, or Dave Bush, or the SC advising them of the situation, so that anything that went between the cracks could be addressed. I smell a rat.

Originally Posted By: aslimack
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No question. He didn’t structure his post the way he did for only the reason he stated.

Adam, A Plus

Originally Posted By: ekartal
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I just realized that Matt is a major ASHI figure. He could have been a great technical contributor here. Oh well.


Originally Posted By: aslimack
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Go figure.

Adam, A Plus

Originally Posted By: jbushart
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Maybe this fellow could type his resignation in hard copy and mail it in. Seems there is another clown named dharris in need of toilet tissue…

Originally Posted By: jbushart
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mbradfeldt wrote:
Dear Nick,
As a refresher to you below is NACHI's requirements for membership taken from

1. You must have passed NACHI's Online Inspector Examination (free).
2. You must have completed NACHI's Ethics Obstacle Course (free).
3. You must have taken NACHI's Standards of Practice Quiz (free).
4. You must mail, fax, or submit online NACHI's Affidavit.
5. You must agree to adhere to the Standards of Practice.
6. You must agree to abide by the Code of Ethics.
7. You must agree to continue learning as per the Continuing Education Policy.
8. You must agree to maintain your member Online Continuing Education Log (free) as per the Continuing Education Policy.
9. You must agree that (after you join) if you have never performed a home inspection for a fee you will submit 4 mock inspections to NACHI's Report Review Committee (free) before performing your first home inspection for a client.
10. You must agree that within the first 6 months of membership you will apply for a membership photo I.D. (free).
11. You must agree that within the first year of membership you will re-take and pass NACHI's Online Inspector Examination again (free).
12. You must agree that within the first 2 years of membership you will attend at least one chapter meetings or educational seminars (reasonable exceptions apply).
13. You must be actively working towards attaining a "Full" Membership.
14. And coming in 2005: NACHI's Occupant Hazard Recognition Primer.

1. Passed long ago.
2. Never even heard of it, let along have I taken it.
3. Never taken it.
4. May have done it, can't remember.
5. Never did it.
6. Never did it.
7. Never knew NACH required continuing education.
8. Can't do what I don't know about.
9. Doesn't apply, but how would NACHI know that.
10. Never did it.
11. Never did it.
12. Never did it.
13. Never raised a finger.
14. No idea what this refers to.

Matt Bradfeldt
General Manager/Technical Director
Premier Inspectors of America, Inc.

I love this. This is one of the best "farewell to me" letters we have seen in recent months.

Here, this fellow quotes the web site regarding all of the membership criteria. I think it is safe to assume, since he entered this on the message board, he does have access to the site and has read it.

Yet, he says that he has never heard of, has no idea what is referred to, never knew it was required, and didn't know about the items he listed that he said he took from the membership requirements.

This guy passed the A$HI test? He did this while "never having heard of" ours? After reading the requirements directly from the web page and posting them on his farewell speech?

A good question to ask anyone who hires him to inspect would be "Is your inspector blind?"

Originally Posted By: aslimack
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Good points J.B.

Adam, A Plus

Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
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It is impossible for one to apply for membership at NACHI without signing and submitting the membership affidavit either by fax, by mail, or online. In fact our system does not technically permit the membership department to process an application without it. Anyone reading this can go to the application and try for themselves: If you fail to check even one box or fail to sign electronically, the application will not forward to NACHI. Try it all you like.

With the exception of one franchise that had their Executive Director sign the franchisees affidavits, we have an affidavit for every member at NACHI.

Nick Gromicko

I much prefer email to private messages.