Vent Boot

Installed backwards?

Different pitch boot…

That’s the new “kick-out” diverter style boot. :stuck_out_tongue:

I never see any need for exposed fasteners.
Plastic cement under the flange base works fine.
Those fasteners are close to the tab slot and they are below the sealing strip.
If the fasteners raises wind blown weather will be driven between the slot and into the opening.
Not much chance of infiltration but none is better than a chance.

Picky guys.
Patch the nails and it is fine.:slight_smile:

Agree BOB.
Never go in the report.
Just say-en.
I see it to often.

Sorry I do not agree. There is a reason why they are not installed with the boot the wrong way. That being said this one has the wrong pitch and is not installed the wrong way but with the wrong boot.
Could it create a problem yes.

I personally wouldn’t write this up, even though the pitch of the boot is not the exact match for this roof pitch. My concerns in this case would be is the boot snug around the pipe creating a water tight seal, I believe so. Boot flashing is designed to fit water tight around piping and when installed correctly will function as designed even in heavy rain and or snow packed roofs.

Gary and there in presents the problem. All the rubber fittings are designed with a perfect fit flange and if altered can create stress in one point. The problem would occur in the winter time when snow is against that area IMO.

Kevin I understand your point but I think in this cause the rubber boot is still serving its purpose. In areas with heavy snow (as I’m sure you probably are) snow splitter are used.

Check this out.

I found this You tube to be very well done last time we discussed this problem.

That a good video for a proper install, but if you notice in the video the rubber boot will flex somewhat to accommodate the pitch.

[FONT=Comic Sans MS]When I perform an inspection I use my personal experience and knowledge to evaluate. I can always pick things apart, everyone has different skill levels. My evaluations are my personal opinion as to an issue or concern that needs to be addressed.

Thank you Kevin for your thoughts it’s always good to be opened minded and listen to other opinions. I like to be well rounded as possible. My beliefs are that there is always room for improvement. I am far from perfect; I am a work in progress.

I agree it may be stressing the boot slightly by stretching it further the way one would a rubber band however it appears the tight seal is intact around the component so I personally would notate and move on.

Just another reason why it is best to narrate parts of your report.

The rubber is designed to accommodate various pitches…I would not write this up myself…other than telling them to caulk the exposed nails and that would be in the body of my report, not necessarily the Summary Page.

and it looks buckled…

I see no inversion as in your diagram.

I don’t see to much pitch in the roof.
If the boot was so far off pitch the boot would be concave on the up hill side.
The boot fits snug.
No deficiencies.
You do not foresee the future in home inspections. J
It is a snapshot in time of the day you are doing the inspection.

RECOMMED. Duering your yearly home maintenance checkup have your roof inspected by a qualified roofer…
IE: Flashing and copping for separation, fastener lifting, caulked for cracking and lose of adhesion to materials.