What is it?
Clips, Single Wraps, or Double Wraps?
Are they even coming out of the tiebeam or just sitting on top?
They are coming out of the tie beam about 10 - 12 inches from the truss.
Metal attachments on every rafter/truss that are nailed to one side (or both sides in the case of a diamond type clip) of the rafter/truss and attached to the top plate of the wall frame or embedded in the bond beam.
I would mark them as “Other” and write in “Improperly installed clips or single wraps”
That would indicate that I acknowledge their presence, but they don’t qualify for a discount. (The client usually understands it from this perspective)
I do not know? I know they are not done correct. I would post it on the InterNACHI message boards and get other opinions.
I would likely call it F other and write next to it see photo.
Did they all look like that or just one truss?
There were many… Way to obvious many… I didn’t have to look hard.
Personally I’m leaning toward clips.
Does any one have the requirements for distance between the ebeded and the truss?
They were obviously double wraps and the measurement was off by a foot. Can I assume they are all off by a foot and could have reached the next truss just as easily. Did they have a choice of trusses to attach to?
Maximum: 1/4 inch without blocking 1-1/2 with blocking
I think you “should” just be able to report what is there and let the people who use the report interpret it.
What do they have to do when someone writes other and describes something?
Does other automatically equal crap like toenails?
I ditto that.
You cannot simply move them down to the next least desirable strap such as a clip. Straps put in this way have near zero uplift resitance. They may hold the truss for a little while until it twist loose. A Simpson H 2.5 clip would have considerably more uplift resistance than these improperly installed straps. Carpenter must have got his layout wrong in one place and continued it. Only correct remedy is to tapcon flat strap to side of tie beam with enough tapcons (shear strength) to equal pull out capacity of HETA 20 or whatever strap was used. – Can’t believe this was missed by inspector.
The only problem with that system is, they do not know how.
yes , other = toenail
I’m not sure how it could be considered a clip. To me it is either a double wrap or an other( no discount ). In this case I would have to go with other. Fear of liability.
I had just came into the same situation, I asked the home owner who the builder was and she said they were bought out by another company. Well her house was still under the 10 yr structual warranty, so I had her call the company and they came out and restrapped about 20 trusses due to they layed out the lintel wrong and missed the trusses by 12", Thankfully for her it was only in her garage. She was very happy that I pointed that out to her and that I suggested that she go back to the buider. The whole process took only two weeks to be complete and then I completed her form
i would call those f***ed up double wraps!
This is fine, Only In Hialeah…
I do not think you can give credit for anything there. I am also wondering why the county inspector did not see it during a framing inspection. The way it is now their is no uplift resistance.
Pictures like that piss me off where was the builders supervisor or the building inspector and the home owner is going to pay the price in higher insurance premiums and probable failure of the buiding envelope during a storm event.
You have no choice but to mark it as other include a picture and let the underwritter decide.
Then send the picture to the building department and ask what they are getting paid for. LOL